Shadow of Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Deborah Harkness
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadow of Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Deborah Harkness
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following titles does Thomas achieve at Saturnalia?
(a) Queen of the Damned.
(b) Lord of Misrule.
(c) King of Misfortune.
(d) Boss of the Best.

2. How old does Matthew note Mary Sidney was when she married?
(a) 21.
(b) 24.
(c) 15.
(d) 18.

3. Which of the following runes does Gallowglass consult?
(a) Rad.
(b) Gyfu.
(c) Kaun.
(d) Wyn.

4. With which of the following does Beaton test Diana?
(a) A horn.
(b) A drum.
(c) A bell.
(d) A jug of ale.

5. Which of the following is the cleric who accuses Diana of witchcraft at Woodstock?
(a) Iffley.
(b) Danforth.
(c) Raleigh.
(d) Bidwell.

6. At which of the following do Diana and Matthew make landfall on the Continent en route to Sept-Tours?
(a) Le Vivier-sur-Mer.
(b) Cancale.
(c) Mont Saint-Michel.
(d) Saint-Malo.

7. The comment about “lightening the heavy atmosphere as though a summer storm had blown through the room” (29) is an example of which of the following?
(a) Oxymoron.
(b) Conceit.
(c) Analogy.
(d) Simile.

8. Which of the following is the first date Diana records in her commonplace book?
(a) 2 November.
(b) 30 October.
(c) 31 October.
(d) 1 November.

9. With which of the following does Beaton test Diana?
(a) A candle.
(b) A jug of ale.
(c) A fireplace.
(d) An oven.

10. The comment that “No longer a solitary meteor moving through space and time, I was now part of a complicated planetary system” (217) offers an example of which of the following?
(a) Conceit.
(b) Metaphor.
(c) Oxymoron.
(d) Simile.

11. As which of the following does Diana gloss Pierre’s French comment that “Milord est lui-même” (99)?
(a) Milord is himself.
(b) Milord is a meme.
(c) Milord is lit.
(d) Milo is himself.

12. Which of the following does Diana place in the pages of her commonplace book before setting out for Sept-Tours?
(a) Thyme.
(b) Rosemary.
(c) Sage.
(d) Parsley.

13. Which of the following is among the differences from twenty-first century Sept-Tours Diana notes in sixteenth-century Sept-Tours?
(a) The table is set with silver instead of strewn with paperwork.
(b) Simple, heavy furniture is in place instead of lavish, light furniture.
(c) The walls are terra-cotta instead of stone.
(d) Corridors have replaced open rooms.

14. Which of the following is among the differences from twenty-first century Sept-Tours Diana notes in sixteenth-century Sept-Tours?
(a) The minstrels’ gallery is full instead of empty.
(b) The toilet paper is set to unroll from the top instead of the bottom.
(c) A display of arms and armor stands before the door instead of a wooden screen.
(d) A round table is in place instead of long tables.

15. In which of the following locations do Diana and Matthew appear in 1590?
(a) Cambridgeshire.
(b) Lincolnshire.
(c) Oxfordshire.
(d) Yorkshire.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Raleigh part company with Diana on the way to Sept-Tours?

2. Which of the following signs do the Fields sport on their stationery shop?

3. The comment that Diana’s “gloved hand rose to [her] nose at the smell that accompanied this pastoral view” as she crosses the open sewer at London’s edge (243) offers an example of which of the following?

4. Which of the following names does Philippe take for himself?

5. Per Goody Alsop, how many witches are in the Rede?

(see the answer keys)

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