Shadow of Night Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Deborah Harkness
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shadow of Night Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Deborah Harkness
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part Six—New World, Old World; and Back Matter.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Diana first meet with Annie’s aunt?
(a) Onion Plain.
(b) Shallot Glen.
(c) Garlic Hill.
(d) Leek Knoll.

2. What does Matthew report Philippe saying when he first sent him away from Sept-Tours?
(a) “If wishes were horses, we’d all ride.”
(b) “I don’t think you trust in my self-righteous suicide.”
(c) “You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run.”
(d) “If you’re determined to end your own life, at least it can be for some greater purpose than self-pity.”

3. From which of the following languages does the novel report the term “Schadiw” derives?
(a) Czech.
(b) German.
(c) Dutch.
(d) Polish.

4. To which of the following predators does Diana compare Philippe?
(a) A wolf.
(b) A bear.
(c) A shark.
(d) A lion.

5. Which of the following houses do the Kelleys maintain in Prague?
(a) The Donkey and Cradle.
(b) The Fox and Henhouse.
(c) The Bird and Baby.
(d) The Elephant and Castle.

Short Answer Questions

1. To which of the following is the term “Maharal” applied in the novel?

2. How long does Diana and Matthew’s journey from London to Prague take?

3. Of which of the following is Susanna Norman’s ritual broom made?

4. In the novel, the term “fileuse de temps” carries which of the following meanings?

5. Which of the following does Diana place in the pages of her commonplace book before setting out for Sept-Tours?

(see the answer key)

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