Sex on the Moon: The Amazing Story Behind the Most Audacious Heist in History Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Ben Mezrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sex on the Moon: The Amazing Story Behind the Most Audacious Heist in History Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Ben Mezrich
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Sex on the Moon: The Amazing Story Behind the Most Audacious Heist in History Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 9-16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Thad decides to do what to gain attention?
(a) Break into a building.
(b) Steal an artifact.
(c) Sing at the party.
(d) Tell jokes.

2. Thad arranged a trip to ___ State Park.
(a) Houston.
(b) San Antonio.
(c) Yellowstone.
(d) Austin.

3. Where does Thad go after leaving JSC?
(a) California.
(b) Montana.
(c) Utah.
(d) Florida.

4. It is believed that ALH 84001 is ___ billion years old.
(a) 2.
(b) 4.
(c) 5.
(d) 3.

5. What items did Gibson offer to show Sonya?
(a) Moon rocks.
(b) Volcanic glass.
(c) Meterorites.
(d) Supernovas.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which doctor asked for a volunteer?

2. Who was scheduled to interview Thad for the training program?

3. Where did Thad live before going for training?

4. Thad began to idolize which person?

5. Who did Thad compare to a rock star?

(see the answer key)

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