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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. As a child, Dahmer would pretend he had what affliction?
(a) Hysterical blindness.
(b) Epilepsy.
(c) Cerebral palsy.
(d) Multiple sclerosis.
2. Which Star Wars film does Klosterman call the least watchable Hollywood blockbuster ever?
(a) Return of the Jedi.
(b) The Phantom Menace.
(c) Attack of the Clones.
(d) A New Hope.
3. What Gacy trinket does Eric Nuzum have in his house?
(a) A murder weapon.
(b) A painting.
(c) A clown nose.
(d) A signed photograph.
4. During what era did television unseat newspapers as the primary source of news. according to Klosterman?
(a) The Vietnam era.
(b) The immediate wake of 9/11.
(c) The Reagan years.
(d) The 1950s.
5. Where in school was Klosterman when he began researching serial killers?
(a) Freshman year of college.
(b) Eighth grade.
(c) Sophomore year of high school.
(d) Fourth grade.
Short Answer Questions
1. In Chapter 12, Klosterman compares Darth Vader's appeal to Luke at the end of The Empire Strike's Back to the modern pressures of a twenty-something to do what?
2. Which of the following is not an item Klosterman analyzes in Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs?
3. What topic of conversation did Gacy continuously bring up with Nuzum in their phone calls?
4. In Chapter 10, Klosterman argues the a child's cereal choice is made to avoid being what?
5. In one hypothetical question, Klosterman offers the questioned a choice between a vacation in Europe or where?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Mitch dislike his coach in Downtown Owl?
2. What is the essence of coolness, as described in Chapter 10?
3. Why is Laura dispirited by her interview with Walter Valentine?
4. What example does Klosterman offer in Eating the Dinosaur to illustrate the loss of origins in time travel?
5. How has the quality of the Star Wars franchise been incorrectly assessed, according to Klosterman in Chapter 12?
6. Why is the Pop Music Studies conference that Klosterman attends in Chapter 17 not a rocking place?
7. Why is being a serial killer more authentic than being a regular celebrity?
8. How was granola developed?
9. What do the 23 questions of this section deal with?
10. How was the Tori Paradox the most realistic part of Saved by the Bell?
This section contains 902 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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