Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto Test | Final Test - Easy

Chuck Klosterman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto Test | Final Test - Easy

Chuck Klosterman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In his hypothetical questions, whose skull does Klosterman ask if a person would display in their home?
(a) Hitler's.
(b) Their mother's.
(c) His.
(d) Jesus's.

2. What Star Wars character does Klosterman argue was the hero of every kid who watched the franchise?
(a) Boba Fett.
(b) R2-D2.
(c) Luke Skywalker.
(d) Han Solo.

3. Which film was the first film Klosterman saw in a movie theater?
(a) Raiders of the Lost Ark.
(b) Return of the Jedi.
(c) The Empire Strikes Back.
(d) Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

4. In one of the hypothetical questions, Klosterman discusses a person who is perfect in every way, except their only cultural reference is what film?
(a) The Dark Crystal.
(b) The Princess Bride.
(c) Videodrome.
(d) Tron.

5. Where in school was Klosterman when he began researching serial killers?
(a) Sophomore year of high school.
(b) Freshman year of college.
(c) Fourth grade.
(d) Eighth grade.

6. What sport does Walter Valentine try to get Julia to coach in Downtown Owl?
(a) Soccer.
(b) Competitive dance.
(c) Volleyball.
(d) Crosscountry.

7. What does Julie do after getting home from her meeting with Valentine?
(a) Smoke pot.
(b) Take a nap.
(c) Write her boyfriend.
(d) Say a prayer.

8. How does Klosterman view the attitudes of agnostics toward born-agains?
(a) He thinks they are considerate.
(b) He thinks they are perfectly reasonable.
(c) He thinks they are patronizing.
(d) He has no opinion.

9. At the beginning of Chapter 16, what does Klosterman say to those who hate the media?
(a) Move to Europe.
(b) They are taking in the wrong media.
(c) They should.
(d) The media hates them.

10. Which of the following was not a former mascot for Owl High?
(a) Eagles.
(b) Normans.
(c) Owls.
(d) Satans.

11. Which British prime minister did HG Wells hate?
(a) Disraeli.
(b) Churchill.
(c) Thatcher.
(d) Chamberlain.

12. What religion was Klosterman raised in?
(a) Judaism.
(b) Mormonism.
(c) Wicca.
(d) Catholicism.

13. Which chapter of this book is fictional?
(a) Eating the Dinosaur.
(b) 33.
(c) Appetite for Replication.
(d) Downtown Owl.

14. What word does Kirk Cameron use to describe the Rapture as depicted in Left Behind in the interview quoted in Chapter 17?
(a) Terrifying.
(b) Accurate.
(c) Silly.
(d) Simplistic.

15. The Kellogg brothers had a falling out over what change made to corn flakes?
(a) The packaging of them for sale.
(b) The serving of them with milk.
(c) The addition of sugar.
(d) The marketing of them as a food for humans.

Short Answer Questions

1. What social activity is Eric Nuzum passionate about?

2. In the beginning of Eating the Dinosaur, Klosterman discusses whether time travel or what will happen first?

3. In Chapter 12, Klosterman compares Darth Vader's appeal to Luke at the end of The Empire Strike's Back to the modern pressures of a twenty-something to do what?

4. What did Klosterman spend the first twenty minutes of his interview with the front man of Soul Asylum discussing?

5. In Chapter 14, which country star's song does Chuck Klosterman dissect in detail?

(see the answer keys)

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