Seven against Thebes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Seven against Thebes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Amphiaraos is all of the following except:
(a) A prophet.
(b) The 6th general.
(c) The one who wanted to call of the attack.
(d) The oldest general.

2. Who is the third general described as leading a cavalry of horses, which makes an arrogant, inhuman noise?
(a) Eteoklos.
(b) Typhon.
(c) Amphiaraos.
(d) Kapaneus.

3. What symbol is on Amphiaraos' shield?
(a) The Typhon.
(b) A Dove.
(c) Nothing.
(d) The Spinx.

4. Eteocles' refusal to respect his agreement with Polyneices indicates his desire to ___________.
(a) Disown his brother.
(b) Have world domination.
(c) Anger his brother.
(d) Possess and control the city.

5. How does Eteocles try to calm the Chorus in Part 2?
(a) He tells them to get out of Thebes.
(b) He tells them all is well.
(c) He doesn't.
(d) He gives them a formal prayer to offer the gods.

6. Who prays to the gods to guide and inspire Eteocles' generals to victory?
(a) The Scout.
(b) Eteocles.
(c) The Messenger.
(d) The Chorus.

7. Who is the second general Eteocles sends out?
(a) Polyphontes.
(b) Hippomedon.
(c) Megareus.
(d) Lasthenes.

8. Who represents the voice of reason and faithfulness that Eteocles should have been listening to?
(a) Amphiaraos.
(b) Parthenopaios.
(c) Eteoklos.
(d) Kapaneus.

9. Who promises to "bring this man [Polyneices] to his harbor, and he shall enjoy his father's city?"
(a) Aktor.
(b) Dike.
(c) Antigone.
(d) Ismene.

10. What is on Kapaneus' shield?
(a) A man armed with a club.
(b) A man armed with a bow and arrow.
(c) A man armed with a sword.
(d) A man armed with a torch.

11. Eteocles' story and actions echo the story and actions of which other story?
(a) Laius.
(b) Oedipus.
(c) Polyneices.
(d) King of Argos.

12. Who does Eteocles express his disgust with in Part 2 of the play?
(a) Polyneices.
(b) His army.
(c) The Chorus.
(d) King of Argos.

13. Who does Eteocle appoint as the last and head general?
(a) Polyneices.
(b) A blacksmith.
(c) Himself.
(d) Antigone.

14. Because of Eteocles' suggestion of what the Chorus should pray about, they begin to pray about what?
(a) That they will die before the walls are penetrated.
(b) That they will escape before the walls are penetrated.
(c) That the war will be faught away from the walls.
(d) That the war will end before the walls are penetrated.

15. Women see the act of combat as something that causes ___________.
(a) Joy.
(b) Pleasure.
(c) Pain.
(d) Pride.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who says, "The sins of the father [are] visited upon the son?"

2. How many generals does Eteocle plan to appoint to face their enemies?

3. Eteocles vows not to be afraid of Tydeus and does all of the following except:

4. Eteocles instructs the Chorus to pray for ________ instead of safety?

5. What literary form does the Chorus use to describe the destruction and violation of the city's moral?

(see the answer keys)

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