Seven against Thebes Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Seven against Thebes Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says, "Their reports will save me from all traps and deceptions?"
(a) The Chorus.
(b) Eteocles.
(c) The Fury.
(d) A Scout.

2. What type of violation is used to describe women seeing their husbands, sons, and brothers killed?
(a) Physical.
(b) Biological.
(c) Spiritual.
(d) Emotional.

3. When Oedipus' crimes are revealed, what happens to Jocasta?
(a) She blinds herself.
(b) She commits suicide.
(c) She is murdered.
(d) She becomes ruler of Thebes.

4. Where does Eteocles go to prepare for war?
(a) The caves.
(b) Argos.
(c) The meadow.
(d) Council Chambers.

5. Why is Eteocles considered to be an illegal king?
(a) He broke his agreement with his brother.
(b) He is not originally from Thebes.
(c) He is not old enough to be king.
(d) He is not married.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Laius do to baby Oedipus after hearing the Oracle foretell Oedipus' future?

2. The image of Thebes is considered the ______ of its citizens.

3. Eteocles tells the men that the battle has ______.

4. Who punishes Laius for kidnapping and murdering his friend's son?

5. As punishment for his crime, if Laius fathered any children, what would happen to the city of Thebes?

(see the answer key)

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