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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. While traveling to Cairo to see Colonel Clayton, Lawrence and his group change trains in Ismailia to wait for the express train from where?
2. Lawrence and Clayton agree on who to be the supply officer for Akaba?
3. What is the name of the major who Lawrence finally gets in contact with in Suez to get relief to Akaba?
4. Allenby gave Jaafar Pasha decorations and what title?
5. The whole plan that Lawrence had for his men to attack railroad bridges and then return to Palestine relied on whom to approve it?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who are the Ismailiya?
2. Why is Feisal asked to hold off his move on Damascus?
3. What are the Arabs trying to convince the Turks of regarding the big offensive in the autumn of 1918?
4. What is the next step after the end of the Hejaz War?
5. What did Allenby do, without telling Feisal, that creates a disagreement between Feisal and his father?
6. Why does being in service to Allenby and Feisal cause problems for Lawrence?
7. What is one of the differences between the Arab Army and the British Army?
8. When Allenby is presented with the plan for the Yarmuk River Valley bridges, what does he say?
9. What is Joyce's role in the plans of 1918?
10. How is Lawrence able to exist in the desert as the Arabs do?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The Arabs are fighting for their freedom from the Turks. What are some of the things the British Army does to enable the Arabs to fight for themselves? How do these actions prevent the Arabs from feeling conquered by the British and instead lead them to cooperation? Support your answer with examples from the book.
Essay Topic 2
Both sides take prisoners and treat them differently. What is the role of prisoners for the British/Arab Army and the Turkish Army? Discuss important prisoners, important incentives to take prisoners, and how prisoners were treated after they became prisoners. Support your answer with examples from the book.
Essay Topic 3
What is the role of technology in the war? What types of technology did each side have access to, and how was it used? How could both sides have made better use of the technology available to them? Use examples from the book to support your answer.
This section contains 676 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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