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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What city will Adbulla's father, the emir, not allow the Turks to enter until he is dead?
(a) Jerusalem.
(b) Arabia.
(c) Mecca.
(d) Jidda.
2. The attack on Akaba is planned to be coordinated from where?
(a) El Ashaba.
(b) Bair.
(c) Jazi.
(d) El Jefer.
3. Instead of letting the Arabs rule Mecca, the Turks put what official in place in Mecca?
(a) President.
(b) Emir.
(c) Governor.
(d) Ruler.
4. What is the name of the holy book of the Arabs?
(a) Hiijab.
(b) Koran.
(c) Pentateuch.
(d) Bible.
5. Under the leadership of Auda, the group goes through hills and valleys as they head for the summer camp of what?
(a) The howeitat.
(b) The emir.
(c) The jeahan.
(d) The sultan.
Short Answer Questions
1. After the troops, on their march, pass through Wadi Gara, they come upon what Beduin tribe?
2. At the outbreak of World War I, the author was working for a museum at what location?
3. Where does the Beduin find God?
4. Who sends Lawrence back to Arabia and Feisal?
5. What word means that the person is a descendant of the prophet Mohammed?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Feisal ask Lawrence to change his British uniform for Arab garb?
2. Who are Hornby and Newcombe?
3. What is the difference between the code with which the Turks fight and the code with which the Arabs fight?
4. How does Lawrence describe an Arab?
5. What does Feisal do, on a normal day, after breakfast?
6. How do Feisal, Lawrence, and others decide that Yenbo can be made safe on the desert side?
7. Under what conditions was Feisal prepared to move and battle for Wejh?
8. What is Lawrence's definition of an Arab?
9. How does Lawrence describe Colonel Bremond?
10. What does Sherif Abdulla's father say about the Turks entering Mecca?
This section contains 520 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |