Seven Pillars of Wisdom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The doctor Lawrence stays with in Akaba carries a rich-looking saddle bag of what type?
(a) Harrah.
(b) Fara.
(c) Hasa.
(d) Fasrat.

2. When Lawrence sees that the Arabs cannot suffer any more defeats or loss of ground in the fight, he and Dawnay depart in a car to do what?
(a) Gather intelligence.
(b) Capture prisoners.
(c) Blow up bridges.
(d) Fight on their own.

3. When Lawrence and his group leave Auda and travel past the Jefer flats, they are attacked by a raiding party from where?
(a) Sebn Darmut.
(b) Zebn Sukhur.
(c) Zebn Harrual.
(d) Sebn Shakat.

4. Fahad has promised how many troops to help General Bols with taking Jordan?
(a) 25,000.
(b) 20,000.
(c) 35,000.
(d) 30,000.

5. When Lawrence and his group finally set up camp to begin mining the bridge, they are how far from the bridge?
(a) Twenty miles.
(b) Eighty miles.
(c) Ten miles.
(d) Ninety miles.

6. In order for Lawrence and Dawnay to cut the railways and have enough men, how many camels are they taking?
(a) Three thousand.
(b) One thousand.
(c) Two thousand.
(d) Four thousand.

7. At the beginning of Book VII, Lawrence attends a banquet at whose headquarters?
(a) Bremond's.
(b) Allenby's.
(c) Shea's.
(d) Burmound's.

8. Without ________, Lawrence and his group cannot get to Wadi Khalid.
(a) Abd el Kathum.
(b) Abd el Kafared.
(c) Abd el Kader.
(d) Abd el Kalil.

9. Allenby's first attack of the Jordan initiative is scheduled for what day in September?
(a) 21.
(b) 19.
(c) 20.
(d) 18.

10. While Lawrence and his group are on the mission to mine the railroads, they meet whom outside of Azrak?
(a) The Gashun tribe.
(b) The Serhan tribe.
(c) The Darshun tribe.
(d) The Yarnban tribe.

11. After the taking of Akaba, what is the next step?
(a) Syria.
(b) Egypt.
(c) Siani.
(d) Turkey.

12. On April 18, the Arabs have to pull back from where?
(a) Akara.
(b) Semna.
(c) Damascus.
(d) Deraa.

13. What is the name of the Turkish general staff officer who offers peace terms to Feisal?
(a) Mustapha Gorda.
(b) Mustapha Turain.
(c) Mustapha Kemal.
(d) Mustapha ibn Kahir.

14. When Lawrence's group leaves Sherif Ali's camp after helping cut the telegraph line, how many men are there to blow up bridges?
(a) Ten.
(b) Forty.
(c) Sixty.
(d) Fifty.

15. The attack on Tafileh from the east is being carried out by whom?
(a) Sherif Zaar.
(b) Sherif Talar.
(c) Sherif Nasir.
(d) Sherif Bazan.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Lawrence and Ali set out on their mission, they are not very organized. They lose two men and find them where?

2. Back at the Guweira camp, Lawrence received how much gold from Akaba for expenses in the Dead Sea campaign?

3. The railroads to Jerusalem, Haifa, Damascus, and Medina all met where?

4. During the plan to take Jordan, Joyce is taking what type of vehicles to help him destroy the railroad near Mudowwara?

5. Lawrence, Thorne, and others survey the train line, navigating through the dark using a compass and what?

(see the answer keys)

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