Seven Pillars of Wisdom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Seven Pillars of Wisdom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the beginning of Book VII, Lawrence attends a banquet at whose headquarters?
(a) Bremond's.
(b) Shea's.
(c) Allenby's.
(d) Burmound's.

2. Instead of leaving one of his injured men to the cruelty of the Turks, what does Lawrence do?
(a) Shoots him.
(b) Carries him.
(c) Puts him on a camel.
(d) Calls for an evacuation by air.

3. What is the name of the Admiral that speaks with Lawrence at Ismailia?
(a) Wemyss.
(b) Burton.
(c) Neville.
(d) Burnmeister.

4. How long will Lawrence and Dawnay need to travel from Deraa to Aba el Lissan?
(a) Eight weeks.
(b) Three weeks.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) Six weeks.

5. Lawrence and Clayton agree on who to be the supply officer for Akaba?
(a) Green.
(b) Goslett.
(c) George.
(d) Grayton.

6. The area of Aba el Lissan is subject to air attacks by whom?
(a) Turks.
(b) Egyptians.
(c) Russians.
(d) British.

7. Where do Lawrence and Joyce travel to, in armored cars, after Lawrence returns from vacation?
(a) Medina.
(b) The Mudflats.
(c) Cairo.
(d) The Hills.

8. Allenby's plans to take Jordan happen during what year?
(a) 1920.
(b) 1919.
(c) 1922.
(d) 1918.

9. When Lawrence and his party leave Wadi Jesha and hope to reach Safra el Jesha, they cross valleys that have what?
(a) Water.
(b) Turks.
(c) Lakes.
(d) Flowers.

10. Fahad has promised how many troops to help General Bols with taking Jordan?
(a) 25,000.
(b) 20,000.
(c) 35,000.
(d) 30,000.

11. After the Jerusalem victory, when Lawrence is with Allenby's group, the plan is to be at Jordan by the end of when?
(a) February.
(b) May.
(c) March.
(d) April.

12. How much gold does Colonel Clayton give Lawrence and his group to take back to Akaba?
(a) Sixteen thousand pounds.
(b) Sixteen hundred pounds.
(c) Six thousand pounds.
(d) Six hundred pounds.

13. How long will Lawrence and Dawnay need to cut the three railways and make their way out of the Aba el Lissan area?
(a) Four weeks.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Three weeks.
(d) One week.

14. What is the name of the base engineer who goes with Lawrence and Ali to mine bridges?
(a) Wood.
(b) Darby.
(c) Lloyd.
(d) Benson.

15. When Lawrence's group leaves Sherif Ali's camp after helping cut the telegraph line, how many men are there to blow up bridges?
(a) Ten.
(b) Forty.
(c) Sixty.
(d) Fifty.

Short Answer Questions

1. The march that Dawnay, Lawrence, Colonel Buxton, and his men will make from the Suez Canal to Akaba will take how long?

2. How much does Lawrence pay Abdulla per month to be his bodyguard?

3. Lawrence plans to go to Madeba and join Allenby in order to take what road?

4. After Lawrence gets into a fight in Deraa, he is ordered to Allenby by what method?

5. Allenby's first attack of the Jordan initiative is scheduled for what day in September?

(see the answer keys)

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