Seven Pillars of Wisdom Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Seven Pillars of Wisdom Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the holy book of the Arabs?
(a) Bible.
(b) Koran.
(c) Pentateuch.
(d) Hiijab.

2. While in Ageila, Lawrence becomes ill from what?
(a) A louse bite.
(b) A scorpion bite.
(c) A snakebite.
(d) A tick bite.

3. After getting to Khabr Ajaj, the group tries to travel mostly at night because they are short on what?
(a) Food.
(b) Water.
(c) Ammunition.
(d) Sleep.

4. Feisal, after the victory in Wejh, was also referred to as what type of court for western Arabia?
(a) High Court.
(b) Court of Relations.
(c) Court of Appeals.
(d) Court of Feuds.

5. Most of the Arabs want to be rid of the Turks, instead of taking what other course of action?
(a) Enslaving the Turks.
(b) Living with the Turks.
(c) Conquering their empire.
(d) Establishing their own empire.

6. Who are Abdulla and Lawrence working with to plan the attack on the Hejaz railroad?
(a) Sir Charles Waterford.
(b) Sir Walter Langford.
(c) Sir Archibald Murray.
(d) Sir Bremound Franklin.

7. What is the name of the captain whom Lawrence does not impress because Lawrence is wearing an Arab headdress?
(a) Captain Johnson.
(b) Captain Boyle.
(c) Captain Wingate.
(d) Captain Smythe.

8. Lawrence feels that Abdulla's people are not as _________ as Feisal's are.
(a) Engaged.
(b) Knowledgeable.
(c) Driven.
(d) Personable.

9. There is a secret treaty between England, France, and whom to keep some of the Arab lands after the revolt ends?
(a) Germany.
(b) Turkey.
(c) Russia.
(d) Austria.

10. Who is one of Lawrence's escorts as he goes to meet Feisal?
(a) Ali.
(b) Mabeirig.
(c) Alin.
(d) Tafas.

11. Instead of wearing khaki, Faisel requests that Lawrence wear what?
(a) Dark colors.
(b) Meccan garb.
(c) White.
(d) Greens.

12. What does Lawrence do with the extra two nights at El Kurr?
(a) Learn Arab dance.
(b) Practice English with the others.
(c) Practice his Arabic.
(d) Learn Arab music.

13. What event occurs at the beginning of the day in the Arab camp?
(a) Call to prayer.
(b) Cleaning.
(c) Exercise.
(d) Breakfast.

14. When Lawrence arrives at Yenbo for the second time, he finds Garland training the troops in the use of what?
(a) Munitions and explosives.
(b) Subversive activities.
(c) Hand-to-hand combat.
(d) Strategy and tactics.

15. What is the first of the three elements of war in which Lawrence believes?
(a) Mathematical element.
(b) Algebraical element.
(c) Calculable element.
(d) Numerological element.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Lawrence ill with on the trip from Yenbo to Wadi Ais?

2. How long does it take for Bremond to order the Suez batteries to assist the Arabs?

3. While Lawrence is gone on vacation, he arranges to have himself transferred from his current command to what bureau?

4. During the march from Wejh to attack the railroad, what do the troops encounter?

5. What is the name of the liner on which Lawrence and others meet with the Turkish officers on their way to see the emir of Mecca?

(see the answer keys)

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