Separation of Power Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Separation of Power Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Vince Flynn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 36-40.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Freidman tell the assassin assigned to kill Donatella to take a team with him rather than making it a solo job?
(a) If one member of the team fails, another may succeed.
(b) Donatella is too dangerous to pursue alone.
(c) Donatella won't be expecting a team.
(d) Donatella may have assistance from a team of her own.

2. Why isn't Hank Clark as shocked as he pretends to be by the news that Irene Kennedy has been running illegal operations in the Middle East?
(a) Ben Freidman has already reported that fact to him.
(b) His spies have already reported that fact to him.
(c) Irene has already confided her guilt to him.
(d) He is one of the senators who supported Kennedy's actions.

3. What contract does Irene Kennedy tell the President that Rudin has breached in his TV appearance?
(a) The national security non-disclosure document he signed.
(b) His employment contract.
(c) His Congressional contract.
(d) His contract to never appear on television.

4. How does Freidman decide to handle the situation with Donatella?
(a) He will tell her there's been a big misunderstanding.
(b) He will say she's gone crazy.
(c) He will kill her.
(d) He will pay her off.

5. What aspect of Mitch's career does Anna like least because it reminds her of her childhood worries about her father?
(a) The low pay.
(b) The danger.
(c) The long hours.
(d) The exposure to inclement weather.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why isn't Congressman Tim Zebarth, the man interviewing Rudin on camera, shocked by the news of Irene Kennedy's Middle East Operations?

2. In Chapter Eleven, what is the physical description given for General Flood?

3. What is the potential downside of all of General Flood's suggestions for dealing with the problem at the Baghdad hospital?

4. What did Anna's father do for a living?

5. What does Mitch warn Donatella NOT to do after giving her the coded statement?

(see the answer key)

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