Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What do Elinor's visitors in this chapter urge her to do while in Cleveland?
2. After Brandon leaves, who other than Marianne are the only two people that remain?
3. Why can Mrs. Dashwood not forgive Willoughby?
4. Who arrives at the cottage unexpectedly?
5. Who is the next person to arrive in Cleveland?
Short Essay Questions
1. Is Brandon an honorable man?
2. Why does the Colonel ask Elinor to tell Edward about his new position in the Parish?
3. Does Elinor make the right decision in telling her about Willoughby?
4. How is Mrs. Dashwood one of the more unselfish characters in the book?
5. What is the importance of the Steele's appearance in the story?
6. Is John completely dominated by his wife?
7. What did you think are the differences between Willoughby's story and Brandon's earlier tale?
8. Why does Austen present John Dashwood as a comic figure?
9. How does Austen present the character of John Dashwood?
10. Is Lucy a bad person?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Throughout the novel, Austen presents not only opposites attracting, but the only way life can run smoothly. For example, the emotional Marianne needs the practical Elinor, and the soft hearted John Dashwood needs his more hard hearted wife Fanny. If this is the case, why do you think Austen presents Elinor and Edward as such a good match? Is there a reason for this or it is an inconsistency in the novel? Do you think that following the theme of the book, Lucy would make a better match for Edward?
Essay Topic 2
Look at the structure of the novel.
1) How does Austen use character and dialogue to drive the narrative?
2) Discuss elements of the narrative structure: exposition, conflict, complication, climax, resolution, and conclusion. Do all the elements make for a logical and linear story? How does the story's structure express the novel's themes?
3) Away from the main characters Marianne and Elinor, examine the way Austen uses him or her in the story. Does she use him or her for dramatic effect or comic aside? When does she introduce and take them away from the story? What effect does it have on the story?
Essay Topic 3
The Dashwoods seem to complement each other perfectly and even though they have problems they work together to get out of them and end the story finding happiness. How do you think they work together so well? What are their individual roles? Is one person stronger than the other?
Take away a member of family from the story and discuss how the story could have been different. Would Marianne still be alive? Could Elinor maintain her practical outlook?
This section contains 967 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |