Sense and Sensibility Test | Final Test - Medium

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Sense and Sensibility Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do John and Fanny plan a party for?
(a) The Steele sistees
(b) The Middleton's
(c) The Dashwood sisters
(d) Edward

2. What does Marianne reproach her sister for being?
(a) Angry
(b) Emotionally detached
(c) Frightened
(d) Sarcastic

3. Where do the Dashwoods and Mrs. Jennings go?
(a) Play polo
(b) On a shopping trip
(c) Horse riding
(d) Play golf

4. What does Elinor reflect?
(a) That she can see what Marianne sees in Willoughby
(b) That she needs to go home and sleep
(c) That WIlloughby is not a bad person
(d) That she can never forgive Willoughby

5. What does Elinor decide about Mr. Palmer?
(a) He is poor
(b) He makes a good father
(c) He is rather handsome.
(d) That he is a nice, ordinary man

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Fanny upset?

2. Who arrives at the cottage unexpectedly?

3. Who does Elinor receive a letter from?

4. What does Fanny regret?

5. Why does Willoughby say he had to get married to Miss Grey?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are Elinor and Marianne different from the society they live in?

2. Does Marianne's illness change her?

3. What does Elinor's unhappy reaction show about her logical character?

4. Has Elinor's sense always had a positive impact on the characters?

5. In what ways does Marianne's illness show the difference between the characters?

6. Do you think Marianne can be happy with Colonel Brandon?

7. How do the sisters differing reactions to leaving London show the contrast between sense and sensibility?

8. Do you think the Dashwoods like John?

9. Is Lucy a bad person?

10. How does Austen present the character of John Dashwood?

(see the answer keys)

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