Sense and Sensibility Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Sense and Sensibility Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Edward reluctant to leave?
(a) He has nowhere to go
(b) He dislikes Fanny
(c) He does not want to leave Elinor
(d) He dislikes Norland

2. Why does Elinor persuade her sister to stay in London?
(a) She does not want to seem rude to Mrs Jennings
(b) She wants to see Edward
(c) She wants to find a job
(d) She is not well enogh to travel

3. Who does Mrs.Jennings bring for a visit?
(a) John Willoughby
(b) Fanny and John Dashwood
(c) Mr. and Mrs. Palmer
(d) The Steele sisters

4. Which of the following characters is also present at the Middleton's dinner party?
(a) John Willoughby
(b) John Dashwood
(c) Colonel Brandon
(d) Edward Ferrars

5. Marianne tells her sister she will try to love Edward in what way?
(a) Like a brother
(b) Like a child
(c) Like an uncle
(d) Like a friend

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Elinor try to spend more time with Lucy?

2. Who does Lucy say she has been secretly engaged to for a year?

3. Which character does Mrs. Dashwood take an immediate dislike to?

4. Whose lock of hair does Edward claim it is?

5. Why does John express sorrow to the fact the Dashwoods are moving so faraway?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Elinor presented as the one who will make the right decisions for the Dashwoods?

2. Outline what you think are Elinor's main characteristics.

3. Why do you think Austen presents Sir John and his wife as nice people, but overall overbred simpletons?

4. How does Elinor display her logic and rationality in this chapter?

5. Why do you think Edward never approaches the subject of why he is so upset?

6. Why do you think that at this point in the story, Austen has given the reader a lot more information about Colonel Brandon than about Willoughby?

7. In this chapter, why is Brandon's sudden departure so important to the development of his character and particularly in comparison to Willoughby?

8. Is Elinor a better match for Edward than Lucy?

9. In what way does Austen use Colonel Brandon to highlight the sister's differences in character?

10. How does Elinor further show her tact in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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