Selection Day: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Aravind Adiga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Selection Day: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Aravind Adiga
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Pramod Sawant described during his meeting with Tommy Sir in the beginning of Part One?
(a) His early 40s.
(b) His late 40s.
(c) His early 30s.
(d) His late 20s.

2. When does Part One of the novel open?
(a) Two years before Selection Day.
(b) Three months before Selection Day.
(c) Three years before Selection Day.
(d) Three weeks before Selection Day.

3. What is Manju's favorite television show?
(a) "Wheel of Fortune."
(b) "CSI Las Vegas."
(c) "Jeopardy."
(d) "Young Lions."

4. What does "MIG" refer to in the MIG Cricket Club?
(a) Medical Investment Group.
(b) Men's Investment Group.
(c) Middle Income Group.
(d) Multiple Imaging Group.

5. What is said to be Tommy Sir's favorite deodorant?
(a) White Musk.
(b) Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder.
(c) Axe Deodorant for Men.
(d) Patchouli.

6. At what unhygienic nearby food cart do Manju and Radha go with the spotty-necked girl before school in Part One?
(a) Thambi's Fast Food Hut.
(b) Anand's Fast Food Hut.
(c) Alur's Fast Food Hut.
(d) Dhobi's Fast Food Hut.

7. What has J.A. given to the spotty-necked girl that she shows to Manju and Radha before school in Part One?
(a) A necklace.
(b) A love poem.
(c) A book.
(d) A flower.

8. Who is described as the "Permanent Boss of the city" that lives at the Matoshree compound in Part One?
(a) Pramod Sawant.
(b) Anand Mehta.
(c) Bal Thackeray.
(d) Tommy Sir.

9. When Manju, Radha, and their father reach the MIG Cricket Club in Part One, they are told that Tommy Sir does not arrive before what time?
(a) 10:00.
(b) 8:00.
(c) 9:00.
(d) 11:00.

10. What playwright does Tommy Sir quote in Part One in saying, "... they haven't spoken English in America in decades"?
(a) Samuel Beckett.
(b) George Bernard Shaw.
(c) William Shakespeare.
(d) Arthur Miller.

11. What animal does the narrator describe a magician bringing to Mohan's village thirty years ago in Part One?
(a) An elephant.
(b) A dove.
(c) A turtle.
(d) A giraffe.

12. Why does Manju's father refuse to let him sit on the train on the way to cricket practice in Part One?
(a) Because there is water on the seats.
(b) Because he does not want his son to feel happiness.
(c) Because it is impolite to sit on the train.
(d) Because he does not want him to fall asleep.

13. What is the mother tongue for Manju and Radha?
(a) Offal.
(b) Bindi.
(c) Kattale.
(d) Kannada.

14. Who is Mohan's new landlord after they leave the slum for a better neighborhood?
(a) B.B. Balasubramaniam.
(b) Dhobi Talao.
(c) Bal Thackeray.
(d) Pramod Sawant.

15. Who is the principal of the Alii Weinberg International School?
(a) Eknath Solkar.
(b) Ravi Shastri.
(c) Anand Mehta.
(d) Patricia D'Mello.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much of Mohar's sons' future earnings to become the legal property of Shri Mehta, according to the contract that Mohan has signed in Part One?

2. According to Mohan's rules for his sons, a boy must not shave until he is what age?

3. How many rupees each month is Mehta obligated to give the Kumars, according to the contract Mohan signs in Part One?

4. What is the only thing in this world that is tasteless, according to the narrator in the beginning of the novel?

5. What Biblical verse is cited in the opening of the novel with the line: "My heritage is ... like a lion in the forest; it criest out against me"?

(see the answer keys)

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