Selected Works Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Selected Works Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What reason does Antony give for visiting Cicero's house?
(a) To court his daughter.
(b) He was friends with his son.
(c) To receive his tuition.
(d) To spy on him.

2. Who interprets right as the only good according to Cicero?
(a) Pompey.
(b) Antony.
(c) Panaetius.
(d) Curio.

3. What did Anthony claim to have done during the election of the augurship?
(a) To not have participated.
(b) To have retired in Cicero's favor.
(c) To have bought votes.
(d) To have won the election.

4. What part of society does Cicero analyze in section seven?
(a) The individual.
(b) Social life.
(c) Commerce.
(d) The law.

5. What was the former position of Antony's father-in-law?
(a) Slave.
(b) General.
(c) Senator.
(d) Praetor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Ulysses do to avoid military service?

2. What would have benefited Antony had he visited Cicero's home?

3. What do the respected men whom Cicero discusses have in common?

4. According to Cicero, whose ideal is "to live consistently with nature"?

5. Who discovered that Ulysses was faking madness?

Short Essay Questions

1. Whose murder does Antonius accuse Cicero of committing?

2. How does Cicero accelerate the decline of Caesar, according to Antonius?

3. What does Cicero think a man's aim should always be?

4. What does Cicero lament at the start of Attack on an Enemy of Freedom?

5. According to Cicero, what do goodness and rightness have in common, and who can see it?

6. What does Antonius blame on Cicero in an effort to discredit him?

7. In the story told in section five of A Practical Code of Behavior, how is the man able to retain his credit while doing wrong?

8. According to Cicero in section five of A Practical Code of Behavior, what should the invisible man do?

9. What proof does Antonius use against Cicero when he tries to connect him to the murder of Caesar?

10. What is the second type of goodness for the Stoics?

(see the answer keys)

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