Selected Short Stories (Rabindranath Tagore) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Selected Short Stories (Rabindranath Tagore) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Makhan's mother describe him?
(a) Aggressive.
(b) Kind, but lacking academically.
(c) Indolent and unmotivated.
(d) As good as gold.

2. What does Venu feed to the fish in the garden?
(a) Lettuce leaves.
(b) Chopped peas.
(c) Breakfast leftovers.
(d) Puffed rice.

3. In "Once There Was a King," how many years pass with the king in the forest?
(a) 7.
(b) 12.
(c) 5.
(d) 18.

4. In "Master Mashai," what is Adharlal's wife named?
(a) Anjana.
(b) Mishita.
(c) Nanibala.
(d) Ria.

5. In "Once There Was a King," what decision does the king make at his dinner with the queen?
(a) He will attack the castle of his treacherous brother.
(b) He will go back to the forest and never return.
(c) He will marry his daughter to the first man he sees upon leaving the palace.
(d) He will hold a grand tournament for the hand of his daughter.

6. In "Once There Was a King," where was the narrator living when the fairy story began?
(a) Habra.
(b) Kashi.
(c) Kanauj.
(d) Calcutta.

7. In "Once There Was a King," what do the queen's messengers ask the king to do?
(a) Find a husband for their daughter.
(b) Come home to stay.
(c) Defend her from the evil witch.
(d) Come back to the palace for one night and one meal.

8. What does Haralal find in the canvas money bags?
(a) Money.
(b) Two letters.
(c) Nanibala's ornaments.
(d) Venu's rings.

9. Why does Adharlal tell Haralal to find somewhere else to live?
(a) A theft in the house.
(b) The tutor's unpleasant habits.
(c) An argument with Nanibala.
(d) A need to save money.

10. Where does Bishambar live?
(a) England.
(b) Chandipur.
(c) Calcutta.
(d) Chandernagore.

11. Where does Haralal tell the carriage driver he wants to go?
(a) His manager's office.
(b) His home, where his mother is waiting.
(c) Barrackpore.
(d) Nowhere.

12. What does Phatik say when he opens his eyes to see his mother?
(a) That the holidays have come.
(b) That the doctor is not to be trusted.
(c) That the water is too deep.
(d) That he wants to come home.

13. According to the "Once There Was a King" narrator, what is the attitude of modern readers?
(a) Dismissive and disdainful.
(b) Overly excitable.
(c) Credulous and gullible.
(d) Critical and suspicious.

14. When does the carriage driver stop to shake Haralal?
(a) When the police stop them.
(b) When Haralal's coin has run out.
(c) At one o'clock.
(d) When his shift is over.

15. In "Once There Was a King," who does the king decide to marry his daughter to?
(a) A wealthy merchant.
(b) A mysterious youth with a peacock feather.
(c) A Brahman's son who is out gathering sticks.
(d) A young warrior with a scar on his cheek.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Venu say that his father is planning to do?

2. What does Haralal's manager say is the worst aspect of the loss?

3. In "Once There Was a King," who reads the incantations?

4. When does Haralal leave his manager's office?

5. In "Once There Was a King," how old is the narrator at the time of the story?

(see the answer keys)

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