Selected Short Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Selected Short Stories Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Vatch's father once do to a rebel officer?
(a) Shoot him.
(b) Decapitate him.
(c) Drown him.
(d) Hang him.

2. Where are Jubal and his master in 'Mountain Victory'?
(a) Alabama.
(b) Virginia.
(c) Mississippi.
(d) Tennessee.

3. Which of the following was NOT a job taken by Buck after the war?
(a) Test Pilot.
(b) Wing walker.
(c) Gambler.
(d) Farmer.

4. What do the servants in 'Lo' refuse to wear?
(a) Shirts.
(b) Pantaloons.
(c) Under garments.
(d) Wigs.

5. How long did the Sartoris family live in their home in 'There Was a Queen'?
(a) A century.
(b) 50 years.
(c) A decade.
(d) 75 years.

6. What was Buck's occupation in the military?
(a) Supply man.
(b) Cook.
(c) Aviator.
(d) Surgeon.

7. Where does Virginia like her wheelchair placed near the end of her life?
(a) The kitchen.
(b) A window.
(c) The front doors.
(d) The fireplace.

8. What is the young boy in 'Beyond' bored with?
(a) His jacks.
(b) His lead soldiers.
(c) His clothes.
(d) His book.

9. What does Claude ask for when he gets to the mess hall?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Coffee.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) All of these.

10. What was the occupation of the old man in 'Beyond'?
(a) Judge.
(b) Police Officer.
(c) Professor.
(d) Lawyer.

11. Where does Howard's wife announce her decision to leave her husband?
(a) Her living room.
(b) The airfield.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) The library.

12. Who was the old man in 'Beyond' surrounded by when he died?
(a) His slaves.
(b) His nephews.
(c) His students.
(d) His sons.

13. What is the name of Jubal's master?
(a) William.
(b) Wendal.
(c) Weddel.
(d) Waltham.

14. What is Howard's wife doing just before she and Buck have an affair?
(a) Reading.
(b) Singing.
(c) Cleaning.
(d) Crying.

15. What is the name of Howard's wife in 'Honor'?
(a) Monica.
(b) Mary.
(c) Maria.
(d) Mildred.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Howard's wife describe her decision to get a divorce?

2. What cut Buck's education short?

3. What kind of man claims to own Mississippi in 'Lo'?

4. What kind of servants are used in 'Lo'?

5. Where does Claude's plane land in 'Turnabout'?

(see the answer keys)

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