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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why was Cicero not able to execute Catiline?
2. Why did Verres choose to flee into exile?
3. Where was Cicero's first speech against Catiline given?
4. As Cicero explained, which region were Mithridates and Tigranes trying to conquer?
5. How did Cicero end his final speech to Verres in Chapter 2?
Short Essay Questions
1. How did Cicero describe the corrupt trials that Verres ran in Sicily?
2. What position did Cicero have when he gave the speeches against Verres, and what situation caused him to write them?
3. What events led to the Catlinarians given by Cicero?
4. How did Cicero include the past history of Rome to inspire the Roman citizens in Chapter 3?
5. How did Cicero describe Verres in In Verrem I?
6. In the beginning of In Verrem I, what was the first reason that Cicero gave to the jurors to convict Verres?
7. Who opposed the election of Pompey, and how did Cicero address their concerns in his speech?
8. What reasons were given for why Cicero could not arrest or execute Catiline at the time he gave In Catilinam I?
9. How did Cicero respond to the accusation that Catiline should have already been executed in Chapter 4?
10. Why was the senate losing patience with Catiline, and what outraged Cicero at the beginning of In Catilinam I?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Verres, the corrupt governor of Sicily, was prosecuted for misleading people about his role in several events.
1) Describe the war against the slaves and how Verres misrepresented his part in it.
2) Explain how Verres deceived the people of Sicily about how a trireme in Messana was built.
3) Analyze Cicero's account of how Verres ' corruption led to the release of a pirate captain.
Essay Topic 2
Upon the capture of Catiline's co-conspirators, the senate met to decide how to proceed with their sentencing.
1) Analyze Silanus' position and the significance of the support he had from other members of the senate.
2) Describe Caesar's suggestion and the possible political reasons he had for making it.
3) Debate both sides of the senate's discussion, the option of executing the co-conspirators vs. lifetime imprisonment.
Essay Topic 3
Describe in detail the three major accusations that Antonius made against Cicero and how Cicero disproved each of them in Phillipic II. Also, provide examples of how Cicero showed Antonius' corruption in his defense. Why was Phillipic II released to the Romans in written form instead of being given as a speech?
This section contains 865 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |