Selected Political Speeches of Cicero Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Selected Political Speeches of Cicero Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Silanus think the death penalty should be given to the conspirators?
(a) It would fit their crimes.
(b) It would cost less than imprisoning them.
(c) It would deter Catiline's other supporters.
(d) It would be a popular decison with the people.

2. As Cicero explained, what did Public Lentulus, Catiline's co-conspirator, attempt to do in order to disrupt the regime in Rome?
(a) Recruit members of the Roman military.
(b) Stir up a war.
(c) Turn the senate against Cicero.
(d) Turn the city against Cicero.

3. What did Cicero think should happen to the group of criminals that supported Catiline?
(a) They should be imprisoned.
(b) They should be questioned.
(c) They should be killed.
(d) They should be exiled.

4. In the Fourth Catilinam, what did Cicero tell the senate was the utmost priority?
(a) The welfare of criminals.
(b) The security of the people.
(c) Justice.
(d) Public opinion.

5. As pointed out in the senate debate, what might have made the execution of the conspirators illegal?
(a) They did not confess to the crimes.
(b) They were not arrested properly.
(c) They were not given a trial.
(d) They were just following Catiline's orders.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the purpose of the letters that Catiline left as he was leaving the senate chamber?

2. How did Cicero describe Marcellus in Chapter 8?

3. After making his case in support of giving the death penalty to the conspirators, what did Cicero say he would do in response to whatever the senate decided?

4. What did Cicero ask of the crowd in Chapter 5?

5. What did Catiline point out about Cicero's family in Chapter 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the theory about Caesar's position at the senate debate and his political ambitions?

2. How did Cicero refute the claim that executing the co-conspirators was illegal?

3. Why did Cicero refuse to accept a reward for saving Rome from Catiline?

4. How long had Cicero been exiled for before he gave Pro Marcello? What happened to Rome while he was away?

5. Which of Caesar's accomplishments did Cicero reference in Pro Marcello?

6. When and where did Cicero give In Catilinam III?

7. How did Cicero depict the older men that followed Catiline?

8. Why did Caesar disagree with Silanus in Chapter 7? What was his alternate suggestion?

9. What was Silanus' position during the senate's debate, and who agreed with him?

10. What removed any doubt of Catiline's guilt, and how did Cicero collect evidence against him?

(see the answer keys)

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