Selected Political Speeches of Cicero Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Selected Political Speeches of Cicero Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Verres choose to flee into exile?
(a) The jury could not convict him if he was not present.
(b) He thought Cicero would not present his case in his absence.
(c) The evidence was too damning.
(d) He became ill.

2. According to Cicero's opening of his first speech against Verres, who despised the jurors?
(a) The people.
(b) Verres.
(c) The consul.
(d) The praetor.

3. What did Cicero assure the Roman people would prevent Pompey from forming a coup at the end of his speech in Chapter 3?
(a) The Roman military.
(b) Pompey's character.
(c) Pompey's money.
(d) The Roman consul.

4. What was Verres' defense strategy?
(a) To prove his innocence.
(b) To slander Cicero.
(c) To eliminate the witnesses.
(d) To delay the trial.

5. How did Cicero intend for Rome to fight the second war in his speech for Pompey in Chapter 3?
(a) With the same intelligence as the first.
(b) Beyond the rigor of the first.
(c) In a more intelligent way than the first.
(d) With the same rigor of the first.

6. Which one of Verres' acquaintances was also implicated in the mishandled capture of a pirate captain?
(a) Cleomenes.
(b) Aeschrio.
(c) Archonides.
(d) Lyso.

7. Which type of speech were the speeches against Verres considered?
(a) Only judicial.
(b) Political and judicial.
(c) Only political.
(d) Neither political nor judicial.

8. According to the beginning of Cicero's speech in Chapter 4, what was the senate losing patience with about Catiline?
(a) His arrogance.
(b) His incompetence.
(c) His recklessness.
(d) His greed.

9. In which year did Catiline's coup take place?
(a) 60 B.C.
(b) 62 B.C.
(c) 59 B.C.
(d) 63 B.C.

10. What did Verres do with the Naval's fleet money?
(a) He gave it to the enemies.
(b) He lost it.
(c) He embezzled it.
(d) He never used it.

11. How many letters did Cicero write in condemnation against Catiline and his followers?
(a) Two.
(b) Four.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

12. Whom did Catiline sit with while listening to Cicero's first speech against him?
(a) No one.
(b) Another senator.
(c) A group of senators.
(d) His counsel.

13. What two words did Cicero use to describe Verres in his first speech against him?
(a) Reckless and insane.
(b) Reckless and idiotic.
(c) Insane and irresponsible.
(d) Reckless and irresponsible.

14. How did the people respond to the verdicts of the corrupt trials that Verres ran?
(a) They were horrified.
(b) They were confused.
(c) They were silent.
(d) They were sad.

15. What had happened to the courts, according to Cicero in Chapter 1?
(a) They had been disgraced.
(b) They had been mocked.
(c) They had been tarnished.
(d) They had been vindicated.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many galleys did Heracleo sail around the coast to taunt the people?

2. After making his initial point against Verres, what type of attacks did Cicero launch against Verres' actions and character in Chapter 1?

3. Along with ruining his perceived military career, what else did Cicero accomplish by repeating Verres' crimes in Chapter 2?

4. What did Verres apparently do when the people protested his treatment of the pirate captain?

5. After refusing to behead a pirate captain, what did Verres do, according to Cicero?

(see the answer keys)

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