Selected Poems of Langston Hughes Test | Final Test - Easy

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Selected Poems of Langston Hughes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the speaker attempt suicide the second time in "Life Is Fine"?
(a) By jumping into a river.
(b) By jumping off of a building.
(c) By jumping off of a cliff.
(d) By jumping in front of a train.

2. What does the speaker in "Life Is Fine" decide he was born for?
(a) "Livin'"
(b) "Singin'"
(c) "Dyin'"
(d) "Cryin'"

3. How does Madam want her name printed in "Madam's Calling Cards"?
(a) In Italian.
(b) In "Roman."
(c) In "American."
(d) In "Old English."

4. What does the speaker in "Mother to Son" claim her life has NOT been?
(a) "No happy path."
(b) "No happy tune."
(c) "No easy train to ride."
(d) "No crystal stair."

5. What does the speaker claim is such a bore in "Ennui"?
(a) Chores.
(b) Snores.
(c) Stores.
(d) Being poor.

6. What would the speaker in "Young Gal's Blues" rather be dead than?
(a) Ugly and old.
(b) Old and stupid.
(c) Poor and stupid.
(d) Ugly and poor.

7. How much of his paycheck does the character's buddy have to give to his mother?
(a) Fifteen a week.
(b) Eight a week.
(c) Five a week.
(d) Ten a week.

8. How many women are helping plan the parade in "Parade"?
(a) Seven.
(b) Five.
(c) Seventeen.
(d) Thirteen.

9. Why is the speaker fired from his job in "Fired"?
(a) Because he stole from the company.
(b) Because he was ineffective at his job.
(c) Because he got in a fight with a coworker.
(d) Because he was late again.

10. How much does the character's buddy earn a week in "Buddy"?
(a) Ten a week.
(b) Fifteen a week.
(c) Twenty a week.
(d) Twelve a week.

11. What is being cooked for dinner in "Graduation"?
(a) Pot roast.
(b) Greens.
(c) Brisket.
(d) Chicken.

12. Where does the fortune teller tell Madam her fortune is in "Madam and the Fortune Teller"?
(a) In Vegas.
(b) In Atlanta.
(c) With her boyfriend.
(d) Inside herself.

13. What does the speaker say life is as fine as in "Life Is Fine"?
(a) Wine.
(b) Gold.
(c) A good meal.
(d) Silk.

14. What does the speaker wish the rent were in "Little Lyric (Of Great Importance)"?
(a) Tax deductible.
(b) Cheaper.
(c) On time, for once.
(d) Heaven sent.

15. What does the speaker in "Cross" take back in regard to his father?
(a) His books.
(b) A car.
(c) Money.
(d) Curses.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the one thing the fortune teller in "Ballad of the Fortune Teller" couldn't see?

2. What is Madam's full name?

3. What does Madam say she'd do before she pays the rent to her landlord in "Madam and the Rent Man"?

4. What does the speaker in "Little Old Letter" claim pen and paper have the power to do?

5. What does the speaker claim the wine-maiden's lips are as sweet as in "Midnight Dancer"?

(see the answer keys)

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