Selected Poems of Langston Hughes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Selected Poems of Langston Hughes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Hughes known as being the originator of?
(a) Slam poetry.
(b) Jazz poetry.
(c) African American poetry.
(d) Modernist poetry.

2. What is Langston Hughes known for?
(a) Being a poet.
(b) Being a social activist.
(c) Being an essayist.
(d) All of these answers are correct.

3. What did the speaker come home without in "Midnight Raffle"?
(a) A job.
(b) A dime.
(c) The groceries his wife asked him to buy.
(d) A briefcase.

4. Who is the song for in "Genius Child"?
(a) A former professor of the speaker.
(b) The average child.
(c) The genius child himself.
(d) A student.

5. Who selected the poems in "Selected Poems of Langston Hughes"?
(a) His editor.
(b) Langston Hughes himself.
(c) His mom.
(d) His wife.

6. In "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," what does the speaker say his souls has done similar to a river?
(a) Grown deep.
(b) Rushed to the ocean.
(c) Flown with anger.
(d) Washed everything clean.

7. Where does the speaker find himself after dying in the poem "Judgment Day"?
(a) With God.
(b) Back in his childhood bedroom.
(c) Back in Atlanta.
(d) In Hell.

8. What does the trumpet player have beneath his eyes in "Trumpet Player"?
(a) "The guilt of sins from yesterday."
(b) "The shining light of an angel."
(c) "Dark moons of weariness."
(d) "The glow of a man on fire inside."

9. What does Big Boy want his woman to share with him in "50-50"?
(a) Her bed -- and her money.
(b) Her house -- and her new car.
(c) Her kitchen -- and her garden.
(d) Her bed -- and her whole house.

10. What is the title of the poem about John Brown in the "Afro-American Fragments" section?
(a) October 16.
(b) Brown John.
(c) Mississippi Burning.
(d) John Brown.

11. In "Angels Wings," what does the speaker say the angel's wings are as white as?
(a) Cotton.
(b) Milk.
(c) Flowers.
(d) Snow.

12. What does the speaker say is a strong thing in "Spirituals"?
(a) Hatred.
(b) Water.
(c) Nature.
(d) Song.

13. Where does Hughes get the title "Feet of Jesus" from for that particular section in "Selected Poems of Langston Hughes"?
(a) A poem of the same name.
(b) His favorite Jazz song.
(c) A popular TV show of the time.
(d) His mother's favorite phrases.

14. What is the drum saying to life in "Drum"?
(a) "Go! / Go!"
(b) "Run! / Run!"
(c) "Stay! / Stay!"
(d) "Come! / Come!"

15. What did the speaker's lover also pawn when he/she pawned the speaker's watch?
(a) Brain.
(b) Sanity.
(c) Youth.
(d) Heart.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one way Sylvester knows he is dying in "Sylvester's Dying Bed"?

2. What is curved beneath Big Boy's arm in "Catch"?

3. Where is the dream a cocktail at in "Havana Dreams"?

4. How are the poems in "Selected Poems of Langston Hughes" organized?

5. What does the speaker claim people do on the sea in "Long Trip"?

(see the answer keys)

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