Siege of Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Siege of Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jarlaxle realize about how Gromph feels?
(a) He is angry at his mother.
(b) He trusts Jarlaxle.
(c) He is wary of his sister.
(d) He is afraid of a coup.

2. What does the person in question # 2 think is the reason for Matron Baenre's action?
(a) To kill Lolth.
(b) To kill him.
(c) To take over the world.
(d) An attempt to offend him.

3. Who does Jarlaxle believe he is talking to at the opening of Chapter Four?
(a) Drizzt.
(b) Catti-brie.
(c) Lolth.
(d) M'tarl.

4. About what does Belwar want to talk to Firble?
(a) The next council election.
(b) Drizzt's interest in Catti.
(c) The uneasiness in the city.
(d) Nothing in particular.

5. In Chapter Ten who comes into Jarlaxle's private office?
(a) K'yorl.
(b) Drizzt.
(c) Matron Baenre.
(d) Fredegar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lolth ask the person from question # 4?

2. What does Matron Baenre tell her children to keep a secret?

3. Of what is Lolth afraid will happen if she becomes involved in the troubles?

4. What does Jarlaxle believe about what is happening to Lolth.

5. What does Catti-brie settle with Battlehammer?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Lolth tell Errtu about the pantheon and the future and what does she fear?

2. What are Firble and Belwar doing in the tunnels? What does Belwar want to do in the tunnels?

3. What happens when Berg'inyon parries with an elf and how do the others react? Why to they react that way?

4. Why is Errtu angry at Lolth and what does she promise him?

5. Who visits Matron Baenre in Chapter Ten and what does she tell her? What does she give her and why?

6. What does Gromph ask Jarlaxle and what does Jarlaxle tell him?

7. What is Catti-brie's sword's name, how did she get the sword and what does the sword want?

8. At the beginning of the book why is Errtu angered and what does Errtu believe?

9. What are the dwarves in the heart of Mithral Hall doing in Chapter Two?

10. How does Jarlaxle find out that Baenre will prevail?

(see the answer keys)

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