Siege of Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Siege of Darkness Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the drow do about Guenhwyvar?
(a) Shoot darts towards her.
(b) Surround her.
(c) Avoid her.
(d) Try to capture her with a net.

2. Who are in the army that is coming to Mithral Hall besides drow?
(a) Zombies and ogres.
(b) Goblins and kobolds.
(c) Ogres and trolls.
(d) Goblins and hobgoblins.

3. What is Alustriel thinking about at the beginning of Chapter Twenty-Five?
(a) How to heal her wound.
(b) How to attack the drow.
(c) What is happening in her city.
(d) How to form a fireball.

4. What does Berg'inyon believe as he surveys the battlefield?
(a) His mother will be angry.
(b) His forces will lose.
(c) The battle will come to a draw.
(d) His forces will win.

5. At what town do the drow break down the gates?
(a) Blingdenstone.
(b) Settlestone.
(c) Menzoberranzan.
(d) Mithral Hall.

6. What does Matron Baenre insist upon in relation to K'yorl?
(a) She will be killed.
(b) She will be let free but her house destroyed.
(c) She will be banished to Mithral Hall.
(d) She is to punish K'yorl for insubordination.

7. Why does Lady Alustrial withhold herself from battle?
(a) Her husband is a prisoner of the drow.
(b) She is too frightened to move.
(c) She knows she will be needed later.
(d) She's not a very good fighter.

8. What do the drows do at the beginning of Chapter Seventeen?
(a) Start to organize their armies.
(b) Go to a service to call on Lolth.
(c) Attack the Baenre House.
(d) Begin to advance on Mithral Hall.

9. How does Baenre destroy the wall of the tower at Oblodran?
(a) A bolt from her hand.
(b) Lolth makes it fall down.
(c) Some fiends use a battering ram.
(d) Dynamite.

10. Who is leading the drows in Chapter Seventeen?
(a) Jarlaxle.
(b) Errtu.
(c) Matron Baenre.
(d) Uthegental Armgo

11. What does Matron Baenre find amusing about her song and Uthegental?
(a) Their rivaly.
(b) Their love of her.
(c) Their friendship.
(d) Their friendly competition.

12. Who is guided the piece of sulfur Baenre has?
(a) Lolth.
(b) Belwar.
(c) Jarlaxle.
(d) Errtu.

13. What does Drizzt encourage the dwarfs left behind to do?
(a) Take no prisoners.
(b) Go for the leaders.
(c) Leave their posts and retreat.
(d) Hide as soon as they hear the army.

14. What does Baenre do in front of the crowd?
(a) Kill K'yorl.
(b) Recognize her daughter as her heir.
(c) Make a speech about the magic.
(d) Levitate above them.

15. In Drizzt's prologue to Chapter Twelve, what does Drizzt say is difficult for him to do in relation to Catti-brie?
(a) Watch her marry someone else.
(b) Be with her and not love her.
(c) Allow her to fight her own battles.
(d) Keep her from being angry at him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Matron Baenre gloating?

2. What does she think about the soldiers' chances when they meet the kobolds?

3. Who does Sumpet order to join the battle at Keeper's Dale?

4. Who comes from the floor as the gnomish priests are working?

5. What does Drizzt do to the figurine in Chapter Thirteen?

(see the answer keys)

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