Siege of Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Siege of Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jarlaxle think about the possibility of a second deity?
(a) He thinks one has come there.
(b) He has seen one wandering around.
(c) He doubts the existence of one.
(d) He is positive it is impossible.

2. What does Errtu try to do in Chapter Eleven?
(a) Find a way to get to Menzoberranzan.
(b) Kill Lolth.
(c) Hide from Lolth.
(d) Leave the Abyss.

3. Why do the people who are watching Berg'inyon panic?
(a) They think Berg'inyon will die.
(b) Berg'inyon is angry.
(c) They can't help Berg'inyon.
(d) They think they may have fallen out of favor with Lolth.

4. What do Catti-brie and Drizzt say to Thibbledorf?
(a) They explain their mission.
(b) They tell him about a armorer who sharpens swords well.
(c) They tell him about a banquet the following evening.
(d) They ask about his horse.

5. What does Drizzt think about the gods allowing people to see them?
(a) It is too overwhelming.
(b) It is not good for the world.
(c) They should do it more often.
(d) Where does faith fit in.

6. What does Matron Baenre call from the Abyss?
(a) The Shadow Bane.
(b) A glabrezu.
(c) A hobgoblin.
(d) A dark angel.

7. Where do the Matrons at the meeting light a fire?
(a) In a furnace.
(b) In a brazier.
(c) In a stone circle.
(d) In the fireplace.

8. What does Matron Baenre tell her children in a meeting in Chapter Nine?
(a) Now is not the time for personal ambitions.
(b) She is stepping down.
(c) She will chose her successor next year.
(d) Her magic still works.

9. What does the person in question #80 want to see?
(a) Kipa'kta killed.
(b) Matron Baenre killed.
(c) K'yorl killed.
(d) Matron Taner'ri killed.

10. What is a dwarf holding above a mortar and pestle?
(a) Five silver chains.
(b) A pair of eyeballs.
(c) A pitcher of water.
(d) A flaming torch.

11. What does Matron Baenre want Methil to do in Chapter 7?
(a) Kill the Matron of the Third House.
(b) Go see Lolth.
(c) Take her daughters out of the country.
(d) Prove to her daughters the magic is not gone.

12. What is the second item the Matrons throw in the fire?
(a) A spider mask.
(b) A snake.
(c) A lump of sulfur.
(d) A goblet of blood.

13. From what does Berg'inyon think the trouble with the fence is?
(a) He doesn't have an opinion.
(b) Lolth has died.
(c) The magic is not available.
(d) Lolth is allowing a conspiracy against his mother.

14. What does Jarlaxle decide will happen to him if the magic does not return?
(a) Matron Baenre will not stay on top.
(b) He will not stay alive.
(c) He will have advantages in the house competition.
(d) He will need to move out of Menzoberranzan.

15. To where are Jarlaxle and Gromph transported in Chapter Four?
(a) Mithral Hall.
(b) Settlestone.
(c) Menzoberranzan.
(d) An extradimensional globe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Drizzt describe in his letter before Chapter Six?

2. How has House Oblodran's magic been affected?

3. What do Catti-brie and Drizzt do at the end of Chapter Three?

4. What does the fiends calaled by the matron mothers do in Chapter Ten?

5. What kind of comments does Berkthgar make to Catti-brie?

(see the answer keys)

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