Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Irwin sets about reading everything he can about this philosophy, sometimes spending how much time reading, analyzing, and trying to understand every turn of phrase?
2. There is a thin black ________ around the room at eye level.
3. The three men discover they all have an interest in what?
4. Irwin, through his journey of self-discovery, has learned to do what?
5. Critics do not understand the display, referring to it as what?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe Irwin's scrim projects.
2. Describe Irwin's installation in the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art in 1975.
3. What is Irwin doing three years after the Whitney opening? Why?
4. With whom does Irwin work on this collaborative project? What do they discover about each other?
5. What do critics and viewers think of his work? What does he think of their opinions?
6. From where do non-art invitations come?
7. How does the desert become important to Irwin?
8. By what is Irwin intrigued? What does Irwin do regarding this philosophy?
9. What do viewers think of this display?
10. With what do the men experiment? Describe these experiments.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Robert joined the military.
Part 1) Why did he join the military? Was this a good reason to join? Why or why not? Describe his military experience. How did it influence him?
Part 2) Was this time in the military significant? If so, how? If not, why not?
Part 3) Would you consider joining the military? Why or why not? Is there anything to be learned from military service? If so, what? If not, why not? Could regular citizens benefit from military service? Why or why not? Should military duty be required for all citizens in the U.S., as it is in other countries? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 2
Robert Irwin was born in L.A.
Part 1) Describe Irwin's life in L.A. How does his personality reflect his West Coast upbringing? What other aspects of his life influence him in adulthood? How? Why?
Part 2) How does this West Coast personality also clash and contrast aspects of his work throughout his life? Why?
Part 3) Describe your own upbringing. How has it influenced you and your interests? How might it influence you throughout the rest of your life?
Essay Topic 3
Irwin spends time in the desert.
Part 1) Describe Irwin's time in the desert. Why does he decide to spend time in the desert? How is this decision related to his feelings about his art?
Part 2) How does Irwin benefit from this time in the desert? How does it affect his art? How do his feelings while he is in the desert reflect his personality?
Part 3) Describe a place you have gone that give you a sense of peace or renewed energy. Why did this place have this kind of power? Have you returned to this place? Why or why not? Would you like to return to this place? Why or why not?
This section contains 1,183 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |