See How They Run Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

See How They Run Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tries to kill David in an alley behind the restaurant where Alix met with Michael?
(a) Harry.
(b) Ray.
(c) Alix.
(d) Michael.

2. Who is Alexander Belov?
(a) The captain of the guard.
(b) The first Russian athlete to win gold.
(c) The grandfather of the murdered torchbearer.
(d) A colonel in the KGB.

3. Who does the Newspaperman capture and press into service, making sure they are comfortable conversing in English?
(a) Two French TV personalities.
(b) Two German TV personalities.
(c) Two American TV personalities.
(d) Two Russian TV personalities.

4. When the Soldier subdues David, what does the Soldier ask David?
(a) If David wants to live.
(b) If David wants to die.
(c) If David wants to see Dachau Two.
(d) If David wants to see Alix.

5. What does the Engineer bring to the meeting with the Soldier and the Architect?
(a) A diagram of the Moscow subway system.
(b) A diagram of the Strauss mansion.
(c) A diagram of Dachau Two.
(d) A diagram of the Olympic Village.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the terrorists demand regarding the Nazi criminals living in Germany and Austria?

2. What does Alix do when she spots David coming through the front door of the restaurant?

3. After fleeing the restaurant in Frankfurt, how much time passes before he receives any sign of Alix?

4. What are the hoodlums carrying who meet the Weapons Expert and the Medic in the Red Square?

5. Who finds and kills the Fuhrer?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Alix suddenly realize about David when she sees him again in the Olympic Village?

2. What do the two visitors who arrive at David's home ask him to do?

3. How is the strike team planning to gain access into the Olympic Village?

4. What does David realize about Alix as he listens to her explanation of why his wife, grandmother, and brother were all killed on Benjamin's orders?

5. What is the pledge of the terrorist group?

6. What does David learn about Elena and Nick's death that he has trouble comprehending?

7. How do the terrorists punctuate their demands that no one is to leave the Olympics until all of the terrorists' demands have been met?

8. What idea is first suggested by Ben-Iban, but becomes so well received that Essmann takes credit for the idea?

9. How does David react to Belov's announcement regarding jurisdiction over the search for the Dachau Two terrorists?

10. What is the effect of Alix shouting at David when he enters the restaurant in Frankfurt?

(see the answer keys)

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