See How They Run Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

See How They Run Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Soldier do after David spots him nearing the Olympic Village?
(a) Freeze.
(b) Shoot.
(c) Wave.
(d) Run.

2. How does Alix react when Ben tells her he would be going on a dangerous mission?
(a) Alix told Ben not to lie.
(b) Alix hugged Ben and wished him well.
(c) Alix slapped Ben across the face.
(d) Alix prayed for Ben's safety.

3. Who is in the car with David that is sitting outside the restaurant where Alix and Michael are meeting?
(a) Ray and Ben.
(b) Harry and Ray.
(c) Harry and Max.
(d) Ben and Harry.

4. As David is struggling to absorb the information he has learned about Nick and Elena's deaths, he drives home. What does David find in his driveway?
(a) Two Oldsmobiles.
(b) Alix.
(c) A swastika.
(d) A new car.

5. What does the Engineer bring to the meeting with the Soldier and the Architect?
(a) A diagram of the Olympic Village.
(b) A diagram of the Strauss mansion.
(c) A diagram of Dachau Two.
(d) A diagram of the Moscow subway system.

6. When David is sitting on the hillside overlooking the Olympic Village, whose familiar face does he see in the crowd?
(a) Alix.
(b) The Soldier.
(c) The Fuhrer.
(d) Benjamin.

7. When the terrorists take over the private cafeteria of the United States Olympic team, how many athletes are there?
(a) 83.
(b) 106.
(c) 75.
(d) 94.

8. After the Olympics are taken over by terrorists, who meets at noon in the Kremlin?
(a) The KGB leaders.
(b) The Russian army generals.
(c) The heads of the international security committee.
(d) The eleven super-comrades.

9. Time and Newsweek create character pieces on the Dachau Two strike team. How do they refer to the event?
(a) Bloody Sunday.
(b) Black Sabbath.
(c) The Crusades.
(d) Black Monday.

10. What two police forces surround the restaurant where Alix and Michael are meeting?
(a) Russian and American police forces.
(b) German and Russian police forces.
(c) American and German police forces.
(d) American and French police forces.

11. What is the Soldier's real name?
(a) Nick Strauss.
(b) Ben Essmann.
(c) Harry Callaghan.
(d) Michael Ben-Iban.

12. What is the name of the Olympic torchbearer who runs the torch through the difficult uphill section?
(a) Martina.
(b) Mari.
(c) Marina.
(d) Maria.

13. What do the men who meet with Soldier on the street in Moscow arrange to sell to the Soldier?
(a) Rifles, plastic explosives, and timers.
(b) Rifles, pistols, and plastic explosives.
(c) Timers, pistols, and plastic explosives.
(d) Bombs, timers, and rifles.

14. Who finds and kills the Fuhrer?
(a) Harry.
(b) David.
(c) Alix.
(d) Ray.

15. What does Ben tell Alix he was part of when they first meet?
(a) A search and destroy team.
(b) A sniper team.
(c) A Special Forces squad.
(d) A rescue operation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the terrorists demand regarding the Nazi criminals living in Germany and Austria?

2. After escaping from the room where the athletes are being held hostage, whom do Alix and David run into in the hallway?

3. According to Valery Kupchuck's speech to the intelligence community, how many threats against the Moscow Olympics have been logged in?

4. After arriving at her contact's home from the train station, what simple act causes Alix to cry?

5. What happens as smoke begins to fill the dormitory?

(see the answer keys)

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