The Secret Sharer Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 250 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Sharer Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 250 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The captain says that his hesitation to let Leggatt swim away from his ship was a mere sham ____________.
(a) Precept.
(b) Pretense.
(c) Sentiment.
(d) Confabulation.

2. How should Legatt get to the water from the captain's ship?
(a) He needs to sneak into the row boat and lower himself down.
(b) He needs to lower himself to the water with a rope.
(c) He needs to climb back down the rope ladder.
(d) He needs to jump in while the captain causes a distraction.

3. What are the gold coins in the story called?
(a) Sovereigns.
(b) The currency of the realm.
(c) Gold bits.
(d) Gold pieces.

4. What does Legatt assure the captain about their plan?
(a) He'll follow the plan "precisely".
(b) He'll follow the plan to the "letter".
(c) The plan cannot fail.
(d) He'll follow the plan to the "T".

5. What does the helmsman complain of not being able to see well while close to the island?
(a) The keel.
(b) The island.
(c) The bow.
(d) The sails.

Short Answer Questions

1. What oddity of appearance had the captain affected all the fifth day of traveling?

2. How many gold coins does the captain give Legatt before he leaves the ship?

3. What does the captain try to ram on the head of Leggatt in the dark of the sail locker?

4. On the captain's suggestion, where does Leggatt spend most of his time while the ship is on its way?

5. On the niceness of what does the captain nonchalantly comment to the Sephora's skipper while they first speak concerning the disappearance of Leggatt?

(see the answer keys)

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