The Secret Sharer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 250 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Sharer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 250 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How far is the Sephora from the nearest real land when the stranger is relating his story to the captain?
(a) Two miles.
(b) Eight miles.
(c) Five miles.
(d) Six miles.

2. Who is described as young, round-cheeked, quiet, and serious?
(a) The engineer.
(b) The second mate.
(c) The captain.
(d) The chief mate.

3. What shape is the hill on which the pagoda at the story's beginning sits?
(a) Convex.
(b) Dome.
(c) Mitre.
(d) Coconut.

4. What does the captain cite as an example of the chief mate's "dominant trait"?
(a) Writing in his journal while appearing to listen.
(b) Pondering over a scorpion.
(c) Asking about the captain's personal life.
(d) Speaking at length on the history of ink quills.

5. What deity's name is used in the exclamation of the mysterious man on hearing that the narrator is the ship's captain?
(a) Odin.
(b) Christ.
(c) Zeus.
(d) Jove.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the chief mate's ink well located?

2. Who does the captain tell "to let all hands turn in without setting an anchor watch" the night they see a strange ship approaching?

3. What point of view is the story told in?

4. What does the captain see in the beginning of the story?

5. Where did the other crew members find Legatt with the deceased?

Short Essay Questions

1. What strangeness is dominant in the mind of the captain in the story's early part?

2. How does the skipper of the Sephora characterize Leggatt in regards to his position as chief mate?

3. What is significant about Leggatt's rebuttal of the Sephora's skipper's account of the setting of the reefed foresail?

4. Why does the captain's order for all hands to turn in without setting an anchor watch astonish the rest of the crew?

5. What reflection is prompted in the mind of the captain by the sight of the rope ladder still slung over the side of the ship?

6. What has contributed to the "pitiless obligation" under which the skipper of the Sephora operates?

7. How does the captain of the unnamed ship describe the skipper of the Sephora?

8. How does the captain describe the chief mate's confusion over the presence of a scorpion?

9. How does the captain describe the skipper at the beginning of part two? How does he feel about the skipper?

10. Why does Leggatt request to be marooned?

(see the answer keys)

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