The Secret Sharer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 250 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Sharer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 250 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Legatt try to defend himself when he is accused of murder?
(a) He has no defense.
(b) He tries to blame another person.
(c) He runs away.
(d) He tries to say that it was an accident.

2. Which of the following is NOT suggested as being at the narrator's left hand at the story's beginning?
(a) Stone walls.
(b) Towers.
(c) Blockhouses.
(d) A small ship.

3. Where does the captain sit at his breakfast table?
(a) The center port.
(b) The center starboard.
(c) The head.
(d) The foot.

4. What does the captain remark on as he takes Legatt below the ship?
(a) Legatt's arm is bleeding.
(b) Legatt's leg is bleeding.
(c) Legatt's tatoo is very unique.
(d) Legatt's face is awfully thin.

5. At what does the stranger stare through the porthole while relating his tale to the captain?
(a) A star.
(b) An islet.
(c) Nothing.
(d) The Sephora.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the captain mention after his meeting with the officers on board the ship?

2. What faces the door of the captain's stateroom?

3. What disturbs the captain's "comfort of quiet communion" with his ship at the story's beginning?

4. What does the chief mate find in his ink well?

5. What sort of pagoda does the story's narrator see from just off the mouth of the river?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is signified by the stranger's speech after he hears the plight of the newly-made captain?

2. How does the captain of the unnamed ship describe the skipper of the Sephora?

3. What is indicated about the captain based upon his precautionary manner of proceeding in fetching clothes for the stranger?

4. What reflection is prompted in the mind of the captain by the sight of the rope ladder still slung over the side of the ship?

5. What does Legatt say about his last moments in the water before finding the captain's ship?

6. What does the captain demonstrate about his own character through his "polite insistence" in showing the Sephora's captain the entirety of his ship?

7. For what reason does the captain issue his order for all hands to go to sleep while he himself takes the watch alone?

8. What strangeness is dominant in the mind of the captain in the story's early part?

9. What story does Legatt share with the captain once on board the ship? How does the captain react?

10. For what reason might it be, as the captain claims near the end of Part I, that being conscious of his divided mind is worse than being mad?

(see the answer keys)

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