The Secret Sharer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 250 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Sharer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 250 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the next youngest member of the crew?
(a) The captain.
(b) The engineer.
(c) The chief mate.
(d) The second mate.

2. How does the stranger report having made his clothes sink?
(a) By diving with them and tying them to a rock.
(b) By tearing them.
(c) By wrapping them up with a stone.
(d) By pushing them under with a long pole.

3. How long was the last spell of the stranger's swim to the unnamed ship?
(a) Over two miles.
(b) Eight hundred feet.
(c) A hundred yards.
(d) Over a mile.

4. Where does the captain go at the very end of Part I?
(a) The dining room.
(b) The deck.
(c) The second mate's quarters.
(d) His stateroom.

5. What sort of pagoda does the story's narrator see from just off the mouth of the river?
(a) Indian.
(b) Korean.
(c) Paknam.
(d) Chinese.

6. What does the captain retrieve for himself from below decks while on his watch?
(a) A cigar.
(b) A compass.
(c) A pair of slippers.
(d) A bottle of wine.

7. The mysterious stranger says he "felled" his victim like a what?
(a) Tree.
(b) Boar.
(c) Ox.
(d) Bear.

8. What does the captain yell over the side of the ship, down the ladder to the body below?
(a) "Ahoy!"
(b) "Who's there?"
(c) "What's the matter?"
(d) "What's going on?"

9. What does the captain eat at breakfast?
(a) Toast with jam.
(b) A hard-boiled egg.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A biscuit.

10. What does the captain cite as the chief mate's "dominant trait"?
(a) Insincere appearance of consideration.
(b) Earnest consideration of all things.
(c) Meddling in affairs not his own.
(d) Convoluted discourse on political matters.

11. What is the profession of the mysterious man's father?
(a) Parson.
(b) Politician.
(c) Carpenter.
(d) Trader.

12. How long has the crew been together when the captain comes on board?
(a) Twelve months.
(b) Eight months.
(c) Eighteen months.
(d) Two years.

13. What is the captain's name?
(a) Frank.
(b) Joseph.
(c) Charles.
(d) His name is never stated.

14. What word does the mysterious man use to describe the tone of the skipper when being relieved of his duties?
(a) Impassioned.
(b) Monotonous.
(c) Dry.
(d) Morose.

15. How does Legatt describe the person he murdered to the captain?
(a) As someone who deserved the end they got.
(b) As someone who he respected, but he could not prevent the murder from occurring.
(c) As someone who did not deserve to die.
(d) As someone who has no business to live at all.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long has the captain been a captain?

2. What shape is the captain's stateroom?

3. With what word does the strange man beside the ship respond to the captain's first question?

4. What did the captain's ship represent to Legatt while he was swimming in the sea?

5. Who forms a special bond almost instantly?

(see the answer keys)

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