Secret of the Ages Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Collier (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Secret of the Ages Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Collier (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the MRA stand for?
(a) The Mainstream Religion Act.
(b) The Moral Re-Armament group.
(c) The Many Religions Association.
(d) The Moral Religious Authority.

2. Jack London created a formula wherein part one had a pair of lovers split apart, part two reunites them through some event or act, and then what happens in part three?
(a) Wedding bells rang.
(b) The truth was revealed.
(c) Good triumphed over evil.
(d) The pair splits for good.

3. Collier tells the reader not only to praise God, but to praise him when?
(a) Every Sunday.
(b) After favorable occurences.
(c) Ahead of time.
(d) In times of poor health.

4. Who insists that the only way to get wealthy is to own one's own business, to be frugal and economize both personally and in business, and to forget the hours of nine to five?
(a) J. Paul Getty.
(b) John D. Rockefeller.
(c) R. John. Bernard.
(d) J. P. Morgan.

5. Who was the British Secretary of State of the American colonies?
(a) Lord Harvey Buckingham.
(b) Lord Steven Holligsworth.
(c) Lord Fredrick Smith.
(d) Lord George Germain.

6. Who created the MRA?
(a) Peter J. Corning.
(b) Frank N. Buchman.
(c) Robert. S. Taylor.
(d) John R. Goldman.

7. What did Albert Lewis Pelton define as a name or grouping applied to men who exhibit great and rare qualities of mind-power?
(a) Influential.
(b) Genius.
(c) Inventors.
(d) Success.

8. According to Collier, creative forces draw additional energy from what in such a way as to allow man to give form to his ideas?
(a) Nature.
(b) The subconscious.
(c) Imagination.
(d) The All Power.

9. When was "How to Become a Millionaire" first published?
(a) 1936.
(b) 1965.
(c) 1942.
(d) 1957.

10. What is the title of Part VIII, Chapter 34?
(a) You, Too, Can Make a Million.
(b) Success Is Yours.
(c) Take it to the Bank.
(d) Money For Everybody.

11. From what magazine is the article "How to Become a Millionaire" which is excerpted in the text?
(a) Time.
(b) Newsweek.
(c) Life.
(d) Forbes.

12. What is Point Four of Pelton's Seven Essential Points for Success?
(a) Always try to improve.
(b) Don't waste time.
(c) Accepting risk is necessary.
(d) A strong will is mandatory for success.

13. What metaphor does Collier use in Part V, Chapter 21 that has been known, over time, to crack and displace heavy concrete rock?
(a) Tree roots.
(b) Earthquakes.
(c) Running water.
(d) Ice.

14. What business did Albert Lewis Pelton develop which made him rich?
(a) Building ships.
(b) Mail-order books.
(c) Refining gasoline.
(d) Typewriter manufacturing.

15. Collier illuminates the fact that most things man worries about what?
(a) Have already happened.
(b) Are worse than originally thought.
(c) Never come to pass.
(d) Happen eventually.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to "How to Become a Millionaire," the opportunity must be found and then pursued with what?

2. What refers to that which is of or pertaining to seeing or sight?

3. In Part VI, Chapter 25, Collier notes that who made a habit of thanking God ahead of time and praised God even when he was in trouble?

4. When did Jack London die?

5. According to Collier, the Will presents itself usually out of what?

(see the answer keys)

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