The Secret Garden Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Garden Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Mary spend her days while it is too rain to work on the Garden?
(a) With Collin.
(b) In the library.
(c) Exploring Misselthwaite.
(d) Helping in the kitchen.

2. Why is Collin so restless on the first day it is too rainy for him to go out to the Garden?
(a) He is nervous about someone figuring out his secret.
(b) He hates knowing that the staff thinks he is crippled.
(c) He has not had to sit so still for a long time.
(d) He is nervous about seeing his father.

3. What is Mary awakened by in the night after her first fight with Colin?
(a) Doors being opened and closed and the rushing of feet.
(b) Martha's crying.
(c) Collin screaming.
(d) Collin's nurse.

4. Who does Dickon tell about the Garden with Mary's permission?
(a) Dr. Craven.
(b) Martha.
(c) His mother.
(d) Mrs. Medlock.

5. What does Mary decide to do after receiving her gift from her uncle after her fight with Collin?
(a) Go to see him in the morning.
(b) Bring Dickon in to meet him.
(c) Write him a letter.
(d) Take him to the garden.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Collin do on his first day in the Garden while Mary and Dickon work?

2. What does Mary make Collin do before telling him that she has found his mother's garden?

3. What does Dickon tell Mary to do for Collin to make him laugh the morning after his hysterics?

4. Who walks into the room as Mary and Collin are talking?

5. Who enters the garden while Collin, Dickon and Mary are expressing their thanks to the garden and its magic?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Colin threaten to do to Mary to make sure she will come to visit him?

2. Why does Mary give Colin the nickname of 'Rajah'?

3. Why is Colin not able to walk when he first starts coming to the garden?

4. As she listens to Mary and Colin interact outside Colin's door the day after his tantrum, what is Medlock so amazed by?

5. What gift does Mary find from her uncle when she gets to her room after her fight with Colin?

6. Why is Mary so hesitant to tell Colin that she has found the garden?

7. After Mary first meets Colin, what do Mary and Dickon think would be a big help to Colin?

8. What does Colin do when he first sees his mother's garden?

9. On the day after Colin's tantrum, what does Mary do for him that makes him laugh?

10. What is Colin afraid will give away his improving health to the staff?

(see the answer keys)

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