The Secret Garden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Garden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the head gardener of Misselthwaite think of Dickon?
(a) He thinks Dickon is a fine lad.
(b) He thinks Dickon is a bit eccentric.
(c) He thinks Dickon is an enchanter.
(d) He thinks Dickon is smart as a whip.

2. What does Collin think Mrs. Sowerby has after he receives her kind gift in the Garden?
(a) Kindness.
(b) Love.
(c) Wisdom.
(d) Magic.

3. Who does Collin say he wants to be as strong as?
(a) Ben Weatherstaff.
(b) Dickon.
(c) His father.
(d) Mary.

4. What does Collin do as the sun goes down on his first day in the garden?
(a) Laughs.
(b) Cries.
(c) Sings.
(d) Smiles.

5. What does Collin plan to do with his life when he is older?
(a) Make important discoveries about magic.
(b) Be a teacher.
(c) Inherit his father's business.
(d) Become a gardener.

6. What does Mary tell Collin when she gets to his room during his hysterics?
(a) That there is nothing wrong with him.
(b) That his nurse is trying to kill him.
(c) That he is spoiled and selfish and deserves what he gets.
(d) That she, and everbody else, hates him.

7. What does Collin do when the surprise visitor to the Garden calls Collin a cripple?
(a) He cries.
(b) He has the visitor fired.
(c) He stands.
(d) He smiles and promises to prove them wrong.

8. What does Martha say Mary must have done to Collin when she first met him?
(a) Been kind to him.
(b) Bewitched him.
(c) Surprised him.
(d) Scared him.

9. What does Mary threaten to do when Collin says he will send Dickon away?
(a) Never speak to him again.
(b) Never see him again.
(c) Go to live with Dickon and his mother.
(d) Never take him to the Garden.

10. What does Mr. Craven send Mary after she asks for her bit of earth?
(a) A letter asking her to befriend Collin.
(b) Beautiful books about gardening.
(c) A box of seeds.
(d) A picture of her mother.

11. Where does Mary spend her days while it is too rain to work on the Garden?
(a) Helping in the kitchen.
(b) In the library.
(c) With Collin.
(d) Exploring Misselthwaite.

12. Who joins the circle that Collin creates as he tells Mary and Dickon of his future plans?
(a) Animals.
(b) The wind.
(c) Ben.
(d) The robin.

13. Why do Mary and Collin have to cover their mouths when they are in the presence of the staff as Collin begins to get well?
(a) So the staff does not see them laughing.
(b) To muffle their laughter.
(c) To be a reminder to stay quiet about their secret.
(d) To keep up the pretense of a contagious disease.

14. What does Mary find in the Garden when she is finally able to return to it after all the rain?
(a) A hawk.
(b) The robin.
(c) A small finch family.
(d) A crow.

15. Who walks into the room as Mary and Collin are talking?
(a) Collin's nurse.
(b) Mrs. Medlock and Dr. Craven.
(c) Martha and Dickon.
(d) Mary's uncle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Dickon named the animal who works in the garden with him on the first nice day after all the rain?

2. What does Collin do when he hears what Mary plans to do after lunch on the first nice day after all the rain?

3. What does Collin think is making him well in the Garden?

4. What does Collin realize as he stands up from weeding in the garden one day?

5. What does Mary do when she hears what caused Collin's hysterics?

(see the answer keys)

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