The Secret Garden Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Garden Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Mary's closest living relative?
(a) Martha Medlock.
(b) Robert Lennox.
(c) Ben Weatherstaff.
(d) Archibald Craven.

2. How old is Misselthwaite Manor?
(a) 600 years old.
(b) 80 years old.
(c) 7 years old.
(d) 250 years old.

3. Who does Mary make friends with as she explores the gardens on her first day at Misselthwaite?
(a) Dickon.
(b) A robin.
(c) A pony.
(d) Ben Weatherstaff.

4. Who is sent to pick Mary up to take her to her new home?
(a) Robert Lennox.
(b) Ben Weatherstaff.
(c) Archibald Craven.
(d) Mrs. Medlock.

5. Why do Mary and Dickon speak so softly when Mary first shown him her garden?
(a) Out of reverence.
(b) They are too surprised at what they are seeing.
(c) They do not want to be heard.
(d) They do not want to frighten the animals.

6. What does Mary call the Garden in her mind after she finds it?
(a) Lily's Garden.
(b) The Garden of Eden.
(c) Mary's Garden.
(d) The Secret Garden.

7. What does Mary think she hears at night in Misselthwaite?
(a) An animal in pain.
(b) A child crying.
(c) A ghost laughing.
(d) A woman screaming.

8. What does Martha say to Mary that deeply offends her when they first meet each other?
(a) Martha tells Mary that she is spoiled.
(b) Martha tells Mary that her uncle hates her.
(c) Martha is surprised Mary can't dress herself.
(d) Martha thought Mary was going to be an Indian girl.

9. In what county is Mary's new home?
(a) Hampshire.
(b) Northshire.
(c) Worcestershire.
(d) Yorkshire.

10. What does Mrs. Medlock think of the moor?
(a) It is barren and ugly.
(b) It is treacherous and lovely.
(c) It is wild and dreary.
(d) It is exciting and new.

11. What did the grand doctor from London tell Collin would heal him?
(a) Bed rest and a healthy diet.
(b) A fancy back brace.
(c) Running outdoors.
(d) A daily dose of supplemental vitamins.

12. Why is all the plant-life on the moor so low to the ground?
(a) The wind.
(b) The over-production of lumber.
(c) It is grazing country for sheep.
(d) The lack of rain.

13. How do Mary and Mrs. Medlock get from the train station to the house?
(a) They walk.
(b) They take an automobile.
(c) They take a carriage.
(d) They ride a horse.

14. What did Mrs. Sowerby buy for Mary?
(a) A skipping rope.
(b) A scarf.
(c) A book.
(d) A packet of seeds.

15. What does Mary tell Martha she wants after her first time inside the Secret Garden?
(a) Some seeds.
(b) A spade.
(c) A knife.
(d) A rake.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mary do to stay warm when she is out in the gardens by herself?

2. What does Mary hate most about her life at Misslethwaite?

3. What does Mary decide to do on a very rainy day when she is not able to go outside?

4. What does Mrs. Medlock do to Mary when they arrive at their first stop on the way to Misselthwaite Manor?

5. Who takes Mary in temporarily after her parents die?

(see the answer keys)

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