The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Winnie learn Stevie was killed in the bombing earlier that day at Greenwich Park?
(a) Heat shows her Stevie's overcoat name tag and she reads the newspaper article about the bombing.
(b) Winnie determines herself it was Stevie as her husband returned late without him and was acting strangely.
(c) Winnie listened through the keyhole between the parlor and the kitchen when Heat interviewed her husband.
(d) When Heat figures out it was Winnie's brother who was killed, he then delivers this news to her in person.

2. When Ossipon encounters Winnie in the street not far from her shop on the evening of Mr. Verloc's death, he subsequently accompanies her to the Verloc parlor and he believes what?
(a) That Mr. Verloc had blown himself up earlier that day.
(b) That Mr. Verloc was killed during a bank robbery attempt.
(c) That Mr. Verloc had killed a police officer and was caught.
(d) That Mr. Verloc had killed a foreign political figure and fled.

3. At the start of Chapter 11, right after Heat departs, how does Mr. Verloc find Winnie?
(a) With her head on the table.
(b) Getting dressed to leave.
(c) With her face in her hands.
(d) Holding a knife.

4. On the evening of Mr. Verloc's death, Ossipon suggests they take a midnight train away, however, Winnie insists on returning to the shop saying she recalls what?
(a) She left behind a large sum of money.
(b) She failed to lock the shop door.
(c) She left the lights on in the shop.
(d) She failed to lock the shop vault.

5. What is Stevie's reaction when he later talks to the cab driver and learns of his plight in caring for four children and wife while having to do cab work at night?
(a) He becomes quite troubled about the poor, initially stating the police should help the poor, but later appears to have his mind on other things and to have forgotten the matter.
(b) He becomes quite troubled about the poor and their difficulties, and when going to the bus stop tells Winnie the police should take care of it.
(c) He becomes quite upset about the poor and their difficulties, and enroute to the train tells Winnie it is a matter the police should take care of.
(d) He becomes quite troubled about the poor and their difficulties, and while awaiting a hansom tells Winnie the police should take care of it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Mr. Verloc's initial response to his wife's request concerning Stevie, in Chapter 9?

2. What does Mr. Verloc attempt to convince his wife of concerning their relationship in their conversation after Heat departs their home?

3. Having returned to her residence with Ossipon on the evening she murdered Mr. Verloc, where does Winnie see that the light remains on?

4. To which neighborhood does the Assistant Commissioner travel quickly by hansom from Soho on the evening of the Greenwich Park blast?

5. Following a verbal confrontation between Winnie and Mr. Verloc on the evening she learns of Stevie's death, what does her Mr. Verloc presume?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Chapter 8 conclude with regard to Mrs. Neale?

2. Shortly after murdering Mr. Verloc, which individual does Winnie encounter in the street offering his assistance, and why is it ironic?

3. What is Mr. Verloc's disposition at the beginning of Chapter 9?

4. Describe what is compared to the sound of an insane clock at the conclusion of Chapter 11?

5. What exchange takes place between Mr. and Mrs. Verloc on the afternoon he returns from his out-of-country trip, when he announces he is interested in taking a walk?

6. Who does the assistant commissioner go to see at the start of Chapter 7? What figure of speech is used to compare these two figures? And what does the person the assistant commission visits express as his initial concern?

7. What action does Mr. Verloc take when Mrs. Verloc goes upstairs following her confrontation with him in the kitchen after she learned of Stevie's death?

8. What does the assistant commissioner do after completing his visit with the secretary of state?

9. What is the opening scene of Chapter 11once Chief Inspector Heat has departed the Verloc home?

10. What is the assistant commissioner's primary goal in briefing Sir Ethelred?

(see the answer keys)

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