The Secret Agent Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What route does Red Committee group member Michaelis say is the answer to the current social ills?
(a) Emotion and riotous action are essential and knowledge is unhelpful.
(b) Maintaining a stable economic status.
(c) Bombing of scientific institutions.
(d) Patience and action through the arts, sciences, and education.

2. What does Mr. Verloc do following the Red Committee meeting before going to bed?
(a) Washes the dinner dishes.
(b) Takes a bath.
(c) Extinguishes the lights.
(d) Takes his daily walk to the Hampton Lake and back.

3. While speaking with the Professor, Ossipon gains information that leads him to believe who was blown up in the Greenwich Park explosion?
(a) Mr. Verloc.
(b) Mrs. Verloc.
(c) Michaelis.
(d) Yundt

4. How is the assistant commissioner feeling about his decision to take his new law enforcement position in London?
(a) He is not happily settled in.
(b) He is happily settled in.
(c) He is not happily settled in, but does not miss the hassle of conducting investigations.
(d) He is happily settled in, but does miss the satisfaction of closing investigations with convictions of criminals.

5. What does Mr. Verloc plan to do if he stops receiving monthly paychecks from the embassy?
(a) Mr. Verloc is very worried, as he does not know what to do yet.
(b) Mr. Verloc has nothing to worry about because he has plans that he has total confidence in.
(c) Mr. Verloc is unconcerned and has no definite plans at this point.
(d) Mr. Verloc has begun making plans, but does not have complete faith in them as yet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does The Professor tell Ossipon he carries in his pocket should the police try to arrest him?

2. Which member of the International Red Committee rambles at the beginning of their meeting?

3. What is the professor's position on the social issues that spurs Mr. Verloc and his Red Committee friends?

4. Where did The Professor get his nickname?

5. Which phrase best describes Winnie?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Ossipon?

2. How is Mrs. Verloc's younger sibling's spare time occupied and where?

3. What are some of Karl Yundt's outstanding characteristics?

4. What is it Mr. Vladimir seeks from Mr. Verloc?

5. Provide a description of where Ossipon runs into the professor in Chapter 4.

6. Why is it Mr. Verloc is able to leave his business in the hands of his brother-in-law in the morning?

7. How is Mr. Verloc's business establishment described?

8. Toward the end of Chapter 5, Chief Inspector Heat mentions Michaelis's name, which arouses the interest of the assistant commissioner. What reason revealed in Chapter 6 causes him to become concerned?

9. How is Winnie Verloc's appearance described?

10. Describe what act done by Chief Inspector Heat is detailed and defined as not particularly wise?

(see the answer keys)

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