The Secret Agent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is it the professor tells Ossipon he must sometimes do in seeking his goal?
(a) Seek funds from revolutionary groups.
(b) Work various extra jobs to pay for bomb components.
(c) Rent a very small apartment and scrimp on money.
(d) Skip meals for a day or two, as bomb components are expensive.

2. What are the items usually sold when young men come in the shop for their first time and find Winnie at the counter?
(a) Expensive pipes and cigarette holders.
(b) Engagement and wedding rings.
(c) Inks and plain papers.
(d) Small pets such as puppies and kittens.

3. What is one reason Mr. Verloc is unconcerned when he leaves his shop in the care of someone else?
(a) The shop draws little business.
(b) The shop is left with a friend who is a retired jeweler.
(c) Stevie is totally reliable.
(d) Mr. Verloc can be easily reached if necessary.

4. What is the professor's reply when Ossipon asks if he has heard about the morning bomb explosion in Greenwich Park?
(a) That he had heard and was not surprised.
(b) That he was not surprised when he learned of it earlier that day.
(c) That he was surprised when he learned of it earlier that day.
(d) That he had not heard, but was not surprised.

5. What is the assistant commissioner's concern if they were to link Michaelis to the Greenwich Park bombing?
(a) The reputation of Baron Stott-Wartenheim's wife would suffer irreparable damage, and the assistant commissioner would never be forgiven.
(b) The reputation of Michaelis' patroness would suffer irreparable damage, and the lady would never forgive the assistant commissioner.
(c) The reputation of Mrs. Verloc's mother would suffer irreparable damage, and she would never forgive the assistant commissioner.
(d) The reputation of Mrs. Verloc would suffer irreparable damage, and she would never forgive the assistant commissioner.

6. Where do Mr. Wurmt and Mr. Verloc have their single meeting in the story?
(a) Paris.
(b) London.
(c) Moscow.
(d) Berlin.

7. How do The Professor and Ossipon part on the day of the Greenwich Park explosion?
(a) Ossipon leaves the professor inside with another Red Committee member.
(b) Ossipon leaves the professor alone inside.
(c) Ossipon follows the professor outside but finds him gone.
(d) Ossipon and the professor depart side-by-side.

8. Which phrase best describes Stevie?
(a) A brilliant individual.
(b) An astute individual.
(c) A simpleminded individual.
(d) An average individual.

9. What route does Red Committee group member Michaelis say is the answer to the current social ills?
(a) Bombing of scientific institutions.
(b) Maintaining a stable economic status.
(c) Emotion and riotous action are essential and knowledge is unhelpful.
(d) Patience and action through the arts, sciences, and education.

10. What does Heat tell the Assistant Commissioner that a witness spotted in Greenwich Park prior to the explosion that morning?
(a) A young, fair-haired woman and an older, stockier man.
(b) Two middle-aged men, a thinner, dark-haired one and a stocky, fair-haired one.
(c) Two men, a fair-haired one and an older, stockier one.
(d) Two young men, an average, fair-haired one and a thinner, dark-haired one.

11. In the morgue, what does Heat find among the yet-to-be-identified remains retrieved from the Greenwich Park bombing scene?
(a) A portion of an address tag from a shredded leather briefcase.
(b) A blue address label on what was once an overcoat.
(c) A collegiate ring with a man's name engraved inside it.
(d) A small portion of a coat of arms emblem from among fragmented jacket pieces.

12. What does Mr. Verloc find his wife doing when he returns home immediately following his encounters with Mr. Wurmt and then Mr. Vladimir?
(a) Working in the shop.
(b) Serving dinner.
(c) Taking a nap.
(d) Getting ready for bed.

13. What does Heat tell the assistant commissioner that the coroner suspects regarding the fatality at the Greenwich Park explosion?
(a) That the person killed is the fair-haired female and the other individual left the scene prior to the explosion.
(b) That the person killed is the thinner, dark-haired male and the other individual left the scene prior to the explosion.
(c) That the person killed is the fair-haired male and the other individual left the scene prior to the explosion.
(d) That the person killed is the older, stocky male and the other individual left the scene prior to the explosion.

14. What is the occupation of Lombroso?
(a) Psychiatrist.
(b) Criminologist.
(c) Attorney.
(d) Psychologist.

15. Who is the spy named in the title of The Secret Agent?
(a) Mr. Wurmt.
(b) Mrs. Verloc.
(c) Mr. Verloc.
(d) Mr. Vladimir.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does The Professor tell Ossipon he carries in his pocket should the police try to arrest him?

2. Which phrase best describes Winnie?

3. When Mr. Verloc first met Winnie, what were she and her family operating?

4. Although initially insisting he works independently, the professor eventually confesses that he recently had sold what?

5. Who is the patroness of Michaelis?

(see the answer keys)

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