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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Where does Stevie sit while the Red Committee meet at Mr. Verloc's house?
(a) In the kitchen.
(b) In a room over the parlor.
(c) In the parlor.
(d) In a back room.
2. On the evening of Stevie's death after Winnie has gone upstairs, what happens when Mr. Verloc enters his parlor and finds the meal his wife prepared earlier laid out?
(a) Mr. Verloc sees the meal, becomes upset at the sight, and carries it into the kitchen, leaving the carving knife behind on a plate.
(b) Mr. Verloc skips the meal, goes upstairs, and continues attempting to convince Winnie he deeply loves her.
(c) Mr. Verloc is not at all hungry given the death of Stevie, and the sight of the meal disturbs him.
(d) Mr. Verloc suddenly becomes very hungry and eats quickly, leaving the arving knife on a plate.
3. How is the assistant commissioner feeling about his decision to take his new law enforcement position in London?
(a) He is not happily settled in.
(b) He is happily settled in.
(c) He is not happily settled in, but does not miss the hassle of conducting investigations.
(d) He is happily settled in, but does miss the satisfaction of closing investigations with convictions of criminals.
4. When initially briefed by Heat on the Greenwich Park explosion, what is the assistant commissioner told when he asks if the Verlock residence was being watched?
(a) Heat states it was not, but assures him he will initiate it immediately.
(b) Heat assures him the home is watched around the clock.
(c) Heat assures him that is not the case.
(d) Heat assures him that takes place only after dark.
5. How did Mrs. Verloc's mother convince officials to allow her a place in a charity home when she had family to take care of her?
(a) She cried each time she was pushed for answers and charmed her way with the officials.
(b) She flirted with the main official who interviewed her and he was attracted to her.
(c) She had her simple-minded son along when she was interviewed to stress her family's plight.
(d) She agreed to work in the kitchen or help with other disabled residents if she were allowed in.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Mr. Wurmt initially carrying in his meeting with Mr. Verloc?
2. When asked by Ossipon to describe the person who purchased the device, what is the professor's response?
3. What is the secretary of state's response to the assistant commissioner's request to have Heat removed from the investigation of the Greenwich Park explosion?
4. What does Mr. Verloc's shop display to draw in customers?
5. Once the Assistant Commissioner arrives at the reported center of the empire, there are several constables who do what upon seeing him departing the vehicle?
This section contains 586 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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