The Secret Agent Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which member of the Red Committee expresses his opinion that Stevie is capable of becoming a criminal as he views her sibling as a degenerate?
(a) Mr. Verloc.
(b) Ossipon.
(c) Michaelis.
(d) Yundt.

2. Before Mr. Verloc acted as an informant, who initially followed him to his pornography business?
(a) Mr. Vladimir himself.
(b) Baron Stott-Wartenheim.
(c) An assigned cop.
(d) Heat himself.

3. What is the assistant commissioner's concern if they were to link Michaelis to the Greenwich Park bombing?
(a) The reputation of Mrs. Verloc would suffer irreparable damage, and she would never forgive the assistant commissioner.
(b) The reputation of Baron Stott-Wartenheim's wife would suffer irreparable damage, and the assistant commissioner would never be forgiven.
(c) The reputation of Michaelis' patroness would suffer irreparable damage, and the lady would never forgive the assistant commissioner.
(d) The reputation of Mrs. Verloc's mother would suffer irreparable damage, and she would never forgive the assistant commissioner.

4. Whom does Mr. Vladimir propose Mr. Verloc enlist in order to accomplish Vladimir's bomb plot?
(a) Mr. Verloc's International Red Committee friends.
(b) Former military explosives experts that Mr. Verloc knows.
(c) Mr. Verloc's family.
(d) Other secret agents that Mr. Verloc is acquainted with.

5. What does Mr. Verloc stipulate will be required to carry out Vladimir's bomb plot?
(a) No further funds at all.
(b) A large sum of money.
(c) No further funds than the amount he receives monthly.
(d) A modest sum of money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Mrs. Verloc's mother wish to move into a charity home?

2. What is the primary reason the assistant commissioner left his position as police chief in a small province for his current position?

3. Who is the patroness of Michaelis?

4. How does Mr. Verloc feel about the opinions expressed by his friends during their Red Committee meeting at his home?

5. What does Mr. Verloc find his wife doing when he returns home immediately following his encounters with Mr. Wurmt and then Mr. Vladimir?

(see the answer key)

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