The Secret Agent Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Secret Agent Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 212 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the primary reason the assistant commissioner left his position as police chief in a small province for his current position?
(a) He had already retired as a small provincial police chief, and a larger salary in London appealed to him.
(b) He was tired of police work in a small province and sought adventure in a large city.
(c) He enjoyed police work in the small province, but saw more real police work in London
(d) He married quickly while vacationing in London, and his wife was not eager to leave the city.

2. Which nation is Mr. Vladimir an agent for?
(a) France.
(b) Russia.
(c) Great Britain.
(d) Germany.

3. What does the assistant commissioner recall from his first encounter with Michaelis?
(a) That Michaelis was clearly a womanizer who drank heavily and gambled endlessly.
(b) That Michaelis was very charming and articulate.
(c) That Michaelis was uncharming and virtually incomprehensible.
(d) That Michaelis was reluctant to tell his story about being convicted for murder.

4. In the morgue, what does Heat find among the yet-to-be-identified remains retrieved from the Greenwich Park bombing scene?
(a) A small portion of a coat of arms emblem from among fragmented jacket pieces.
(b) A portion of an address tag from a shredded leather briefcase.
(c) A collegiate ring with a man's name engraved inside it.
(d) A blue address label on what was once an overcoat.

5. Following the meeting of Mr. Verloc with his Red Committee friends, what does Mrs. Verloc do?
(a) She goes to bed and discovers Mr. Verloc wants to be distracted by her affection.
(b) She talks her husband into bed.
(c) She goes to bed and finds Mr. Verloc already asleep.
(d) She sits in the bedroom until Stevie falls asleep.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Verloc stipulate will be required to carry out Vladimir's bomb plot?

2. What does Mr. Vladimir learn about Mr. Verloc that terribly disappoints him?

3. What is Stevie's reaction upon hearing the Red Committee discussion that took place in the Verloc residence regarding social reform?

4. What is Stevie's reaction when he later talks to the cab driver and learns of his plight in caring for four children and wife while having to do cab work at night?

5. Who did Heat personally assure the month prior to the Greenwich Park explosion that no terrorist acts would occur anytime soon because Heat is watching every known terrorist?

(see the answer key)

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