Second Glance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Second Glance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Abigail's files, what is Gray Wolf's history?
(a) He is a gambler.
(b) He steals animals.
(c) He has been arrested for murder.
(d) He is a fisherman.

2. How did Ross try to kill himself?
(a) By swallowing pills.
(b) By blowing himself up with dynamite.
(c) By cutting his wrists.
(d) By walking into a lake.

3. When Shelby and Ethan think it is snowing, what is falling from the sky?
(a) Rose petals.
(b) Iris petals.
(c) Sleet.
(d) Rain.

4. What does Ross do when he discovers his boss is a phony?
(a) He leaves town without a word.
(b) He steals money from him.
(c) He is ashamed, but does nothing.
(d) He quits.

5. What is remarkable about the oldest headstone in the cemetery in Comtosook?
(a) There are two different dates of birth.
(b) There are no dates of birth or death.
(c) There are two different names.
(d) There are two different dates of death.

6. Who are the people Professor Perkins studied in his surveys?
(a) Hispanics.
(b) African Americans.
(c) Indians, but they are called Gypsies.
(d) Canadians.

7. What word does Eli see when he looks in the mirror at the supposed "haunted" house?
(a) Help.
(b) See.
(c) No.
(d) Go.

8. What happens when the scientists from the Army Corps of Engineers arrive in Comtosook?
(a) They get rashes on their eyelids.
(b) They get odd food cravings.
(c) They become scared to speak up.
(d) They find answers to all the questions about the strange happenings.

9. Who is Frankie Martine?
(a) The town sheriff.
(b) A waitress at a local bar who saw Gray Wolf on the night of Cissy's death.
(c) A DNA researcher and old friend of Eli's
(d) An old girlfriend of Eli's.

10. What proof do the Abenaki have of their claim to the property they are protesting in front of?
(a) A medicine pouch.
(b) A tin locket, pottery shards and a 1932 penny.
(c) Beads.
(d) Tiny mocassins.

11. What do the Abenaki claim is on the land where they are holding the protest?
(a) Indian burial grounds.
(b) A strip mall.
(c) A sacred sight for their gods.
(d) A murder scene.

12. When Ross hears the pennies hit the floor in Eve's attic, who does he call out for?
(a) Curtis.
(b) Aimee.
(c) Shelby.
(d) Ethan.

13. What does Lia show Ross when she lifts the sleeve of her sweater?
(a) The color of her skin.
(b) Her bracelet.
(c) That she cuts herself.
(d) That she has a tatoo.

14. How does Ross explain ghosts and dying to Ethan?
(a) "It's like taking the bus."
(b) "It's like falling in love."
(c) "It's like sitting in falling snow."
(d) "It's like falling asleep."

15. What does Cissy's husband do to Gray Wolf to get him to leave the property?
(a) He fires him.
(b) He feeds him dinner.
(c) He pays him the money he owes him.
(d) He kills him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ross ask Eli to do with the 70 year old investigation of the death of Cissy Pike?

2. Where does Shelby work?

3. Why do the townspeople believe the ground is frozen?

4. What does Ross wear on a chain around his neck?

5. When Cissy slips away from her husband during the celebration, where does she go?

(see the answer keys)

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