Second Foundation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Second Foundation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Pritcher remember his past as described in 1-3?
(a) Sadly.
(b) With embarrassment.
(c) With great joy.
(d) He cannot remember.

2. As recounted in 1-3, who almost told the Mule the location of the Second Foundation five years before?
(a) Ebling Mis.
(b) Hari Seldon.
(c) Channis.
(d) Arcadia Darell.

3. Why do Dr. Darell's colleagues worry about Anthor's involvement in their group?
(a) They think he is not smart enough.
(b) He might be a spy.
(c) They think he is too young.
(d) He likes Arcadia.

4. What is the first thing that Pritchard and Channis do in 4-6?
(a) Meet with the Rossem elders.
(b) Kill the plantet's leader.
(c) Wage a war.
(d) Fall asleep.

5. Toward the end of 1-3, what does the technician tell Channis he has discovered on board the ship?
(a) A bomb.
(b) A hyper relay device.
(c) The Mule's spy.
(d) A stowaway.

6. What advice does Anthor tell Dr. Darell to do if a man ever wants to marry Arcadia?
(a) Shoot him.
(b) Accept the offer.
(c) Get money from him first.
(d) Just say no.

7. What other way does Arcadia tell Anthor as advice to be more inconspicuous upon visiting?
(a) Knock on the door.
(b) Disguise himself as a mailman.
(c) Sneak in through her father's window.
(d) Come down the chimney.

8. For what does the Mule have Pritcher search in 1-3?
(a) The treasure of Earth.
(b) The Second Foundation.
(c) His daughter.
(d) The Foundation.

9. What reason does Arcadia give her father for Anthor's visit?
(a) To kill Dr. Darell.
(b) To discuss the Second Foundation.
(c) To marry Arcadia.
(d) To get money.

10. Who is the author of "Second Foundation"?
(a) Isaac Asimov.
(b) Stephen King.
(c) H.G. Wells.
(d) Jules Verne.

11. How many years later does section 7-9 take place after section 4-6?
(a) One year.
(b) 100 years.
(c) 1,000 years.
(d) 60 years.

12. What is different about Channis from other characters in 1-3?
(a) He is an orphan.
(b) He is the true leader of Kalgan.
(c) He is unconverted by the Mule.
(d) He has never been out in space.

13. What happens to Pritchard as he has disloyal thoughts?
(a) He gets sick to his stomach.
(b) He gets an electric shock.
(c) He has an allergic reaction.
(d) He passes out.

14. What does the First Speaker condition the Mule's mind to believe?
(a) The Second Foundation does not exist.
(b) Pritchard betrayed him.
(c) The First Speaker is his father.
(d) Channis is the new leader.

15. The Mule tells Channis that he realizes Tazenda is not the location of the Second Foundation for what reason?
(a) Channis has told the Mule everything.
(b) The Second Foundation cannot be killed.
(c) Channis feels no regret when learning of the planet's destruction.
(d) Pritchard knows information about the true whereabouts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Channis' physical description?

2. Who stops the Rossem elders' discussion?

3. Why does Anthor want Dr. Darell and his colleagues to scan their minds in 7-9?

4. Who is the first character introduced in 7-9?

5. Channis says in 1-3 that in order to find the Second Foundation, they must search for a world strong in mental power but lacking in what?

(see the answer keys)

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