Second Foundation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Second Foundation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Channis says that the people of Rossem are neither starving nor unhappy which means what?
(a) The Second Foundation does not exist.
(b) The people are insane.
(c) The Second Foundation has conditioned their minds.
(d) They are stupid people.

2. For what does the Mule have Pritcher search in 1-3?
(a) The Foundation.
(b) The treasure of Earth.
(c) The Second Foundation.
(d) His daughter.

3. What advice does Anthor tell Dr. Darell to do if a man ever wants to marry Arcadia?
(a) Accept the offer.
(b) Shoot him.
(c) Just say no.
(d) Get money from him first.

4. Toward the end of 1-3, what does the technician tell Channis he has discovered on board the ship?
(a) A bomb.
(b) A hyper relay device.
(c) The Mule's spy.
(d) A stowaway.

5. Why do Dr. Darell's colleagues worry about Anthor's involvement in their group?
(a) He likes Arcadia.
(b) He might be a spy.
(c) They think he is not smart enough.
(d) They think he is too young.

6. What does Dr. Darell do with Anthor for the next seven days after Anthor's arrival?
(a) Hide him in the house.
(b) Tour the city.
(c) Have him date Arcadia.
(d) Train him in his laboratory.

7. Channis states that he does not fear what in 1-3?
(a) The Foundation.
(b) The Mule or the Second Foundation.
(c) His wife.
(d) His subjects.

8. What is Pritcher's reaction when Channis says that the Mule does not know where they are going?
(a) He pulls out his gun.
(b) He kills Channis.
(c) He agrees.
(d) He laughs.

9. Who is decided to be sent to Kalgan at the end of 7-9?
(a) Homir.
(b) Dr. Darell.
(c) Arcadia.
(d) Anthor.

10. What charge by Pritchard is placed against Channis for being treasonous?
(a) He is a Second Foundationer.
(b) He is going to destroy the planet.
(c) He is cheating on his wife.
(d) He is secretly a murderer.

11. How does Pritcher describe the Tazender governor to Channis?
(a) Handsome.
(b) Inspirational.
(c) A poor specimen.
(d) Powerful.

12. What does the narrator describe a hyper relay device as allowing outside sources to do?
(a) Emit electromagnetic waves.
(b) Start a fire.
(c) Follow a ship through hyperspace.
(d) Set an explosion from afar.

13. Where does Channis decide to land the ship at the end of 1-3?
(a) Kalgan.
(b) The location of the Second Foundation.
(c) A planet near Tazender called Rossem.
(d) Earth.

14. At the end of 4-6, why is it revealed that Channis volunteered to lead the Mule?
(a) To prove his valor.
(b) To show his loyalties to the Second Foundation.
(c) To lead the Mule into a trap.
(d) To kill Pritchard.

15. What type of lifestyle does Channis describe the people of Rossem leading?
(a) Healthy.
(b) Unhealthy.
(c) Slothful.
(d) Confused.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is different about Channis from other characters in 1-3?

2. According to the Rossem elders, with what does Tazenda provide Rossem?

3. In 7-9, what is the name of the mysterious man?

4. How does Pritchard claim he knows his mind has not been reconditioned since arriving on Rossem?

5. How many years later does section 7-9 take place after section 4-6?

(see the answer keys)

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