The Second Coming Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Second Coming Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Will go for help after the hunting accident?
(a) To the sheriff's office.
(b) Back to the main road.
(c) To the guide's house.
(d) To town.

2. How did Ewell McBee know Will's father?
(a) He used to caddy for him.
(b) He was his driver.
(c) He worked for his firm.
(d) He was his gardener.

3. According to the author, what claim to fame does Linwood, North Carolina have?
(a) There are no Jewish people living there.
(b) It is the golf capital of the world.
(c) It is the most Christian town in the most Christian state.
(d) It is the highest peak of the Appalachians.

4. Where does Will get hit by the bullet in the garage?
(a) He is shot in the head.
(b) He is hit in the stomach.
(c) He is hit in the shoulder.
(d) It grazes his calf.

5. Why doesn't Allison approach Will at first when she finds his golf balls?
(a) Because she thought he was her father.
(b) Because she didn't recognize him.
(c) Because she wasn't dressed yet.
(d) Because he looked angry.

6. What does Ewell McBee tell Will about Sarah Goodman ("Cheryl Lee") that makes Will want to meet her?
(a) That her father is Sol Goodman.
(b) That she plays violin.
(c) That she's the star of the erotic film, Foxy Frolics.
(d) That she's Jewish and from North Carolina.

7. What project is Jack asking Will to donate money towards?
(a) A retirement village.
(b) A youth camp.
(c) An all-male religious retreat.
(d) A nursing home.

8. What is Ed Cupp's relationship to Will Barrett?
(a) Ed Cupp is an old friend.
(b) Ed Cupp is Will's daughter's fiancé.
(c) Ed Cupp is Will's daughter's father-in-law.
(d) Ed Cupp is Will's brother-in-law.

9. What is the business that Ewell McBee wants Will to invest in?
(a) A home entertainment video-cassette business.
(b) A film production company.
(c) A chain of gas stations.
(d) A hotel.

10. How much is Will's Mercedes worth?
(a) $100,000.
(b) $1 million.
(c) $35,000.
(d) $45,000.

11. What does Will think his experiment might do for his relationship with his daughter?
(a) Leslie loves her father and nothing will change that.
(b) Leslie won't understand his experiment.
(c) If he proves God's existence then they will have something in common.
(d) Leslie already hates him and nothing will change that.

12. How much is being offered for the island that Allison inherited off the Georgia coast?
(a) $2.1 million.
(b) $20.1 million.
(c) $200,000.
(d) Nothing, it's worthless.

13. What does Allison say woke her up?
(a) Will's footsteps.
(b) The shouts of golfers.
(c) Hogan, Will's golf ball.
(d) The dog.

14. What does Allison need the WD-40 for?
(a) To loosen the screws on the stove.
(b) The hinges on some of the windows needed oiling.
(c) To polish the stove.
(d) The door in the greenhouse squeaked.

15. What phrase does Allison hear at the auto shop that she finds odd?
(a) "Yes ma'am."
(b) "Gollee."
(c) "Have a nice day."
(d) "You better believe it."

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Will feel when he figures out who is shooting into his garage?

2. What does Will attribute Allison's strange behavior to when he first meets her?

3. Where does Will have another "fit or spell" of falling down during the engagement party?

4. What does Allison notice that many of the young people are wearing as she watches from the bench?

5. Why is it important that Allison read what is in the notebook?

(see the answer keys)

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