Season of the Machete Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Season of the Machete Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the priest ask Peter to do?
(a) take off his hat
(b) take off his jacket
(c) come back the next day
(d) seek asylum in the church

2. Where does Jane begin the day of May 7?
(a) in her hotel room
(b) in the hospital
(c) in an open grave
(d) in a car trunk

3. What is the Grasshopper?
(a) a limousine
(b) a speed boat
(c) a hot air balloon
(d) a tour bus

4. Where is Carrie while Damian is on the Bertram Sportsman boat?
(a) a hotel in Morrocco
(b) a bank in Zurich
(c) a shop in London
(d) a house in Virginia

5. Where does Peter tell John Sampson he's from?
(a) Florida
(b) Virginia
(c) New York
(d) San Dominica

6. What is the implication of a casino opening on San Dominica?
(a) San Dominica is breaking away from U.S. influence.
(b) The casino is a front for the U.S. government.
(c) The San Dominican people will rise out of poverty.
(d) The Mafia is making money from the country.

7. What color does Damian dye his hair on May 10?
(a) blond
(b) gray
(c) red
(d) black

8. Why does Carrie move her money?
(a) She is afraid of the IRS.
(b) She wants to move out of the country.
(c) She is afraid Damian might escape death and come after her.
(d) She is afraid of being pursued by Peter.

9. How much money does Carrie Rose agree to pay Clive Lawson for his services?
(a) $120,000
(b) $60,000
(c) $90,000
(d) $30,000

10. Where is Jane's funeral held?
(a) Church of San Dominica
(b) Church of the Angels
(c) Church of Holy Relics
(d) Church of the Martyrs

11. Does Carrie Rose expect Damian to die?
(a) No, she thinks she'll need to run away from him.
(b) Yes, but not until after he leaves the island.
(c) No, she expects to meet him in Morrocco.
(d) Yes, it's part of her plan.

12. What happens to the Prime Minister of San Dominica?
(a) He loses the next election.
(b) He is killed by revolutionaries.
(c) He is thrown out of office.
(d) He is made lifetime Prime Minister.

13. What does Damian Rose warn Brooks Campbell not to do?
(a) leave the island
(b) make the story public
(c) look for him
(d) look for Peter

14. What does Damian put in the boat's cockpit?
(a) a pistol
(b) a machete
(c) a spear
(d) a rifle

15. Who kills Jane?
(a) Damian Rose
(b) Colonel Dred
(c) Carrier Rose
(d) Clive Lawson

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Harold Hill want to track down Peter?

2. What does Meral do with Damian's boat?

3. What does Peter learn from Meral Johnson after he's taken into custody?

4. Who is Harvey Epstein spying on?

5. Where does the Grasshopper go?

(see the answer keys)

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