Season of the Machete Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Season of the Machete Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Fletcher and Devereaux enter the fifth floor of the hotel?
(a) They go up in the elevator.
(b) They enter from the roof.
(c) They sneak up the maintenance stairs.
(d) They have the manager bring them up.

2. What alias does Carrie Rose use in Washington?
(a) Susan Chaplin
(b) Carolyn Richards
(c) Abigail Lowry
(d) Rosa Carol

3. What does Peter tell the CIA that his parents have done?
(a) arranged to fly out to San Dominica
(b) contacted the director of the CIA
(c) lodged a formal complaint with the State Department
(d) highered private mercenaries to kill the Roses

4. What is Harold Hill secretly planning for Peter?
(a) He plans to send Peter to prison.
(b) He plans to send Peter to the U.S.
(c) He plans to use Peter as bait.
(d) He plans to shoot Peter after they capture Damian.

5. Why does Carrie say she double-crossed Damian?
(a) because he would not let her use her training
(b) because he was too jealous of her
(c) because she wanted to marry someone else
(d) because she was afraid he'd kill her

6. What does Dred get in exchange for killing the mercenaries?
(a) a case of cigars
(b) two machine guns
(c) a rocket launcher
(d) a case of machetes

7. What happens to Harold's son Mark?
(a) He is shot to death.
(b) He is tied up and locked in a closet.
(c) He is killed with a machete.
(d) He runs away into the woods.

8. What does Mark's mother advise him to do in the emergency?
(a) She tells him to try to get one of the intruders' guns.
(b) She tells him to secretly contact his father.
(c) She tells him to do what the intruders ask.
(d) She tells him to secretly phone the police.

9. How does Harold Hill react to his wife's murder?
(a) He wants to rush back to Virginia to be with his son.
(b) He doubles his efforts to find the Roses.
(c) He wants to make a deal with the Roses for his safety.
(d) He wants to give up looking for the Roses.

10. Who does Peter pretend to be to get to see Jane?
(a) Jane's brother
(b) Meral Johnson
(c) Max Westerhuis
(d) Brooks Campbell

11. Where does the CIA house Peter?
(a) the Coastown Princess Hotel
(b) the Coastown Golf and Raquet Condominiums
(c) the Coastown Sugar Plantation Museum
(d) the Coastown Rum Works

12. Where does the Grasshopper go?
(a) a private island
(b) a secluded beach
(c) a winery
(d) a restored plantation

13. Where is Carrie while Damian is on the Bertram Sportsman boat?
(a) a shop in London
(b) a house in Virginia
(c) a bank in Zurich
(d) a hotel in Morrocco

14. Why do troopers go to Harold Hill's house?
(a) His neighbor heard gunshots.
(b) Harold is nervous and sends the troopers.
(c) His neighbor heard screams.
(d) The troopers come to tell the Hills that Harold is delayed.

15. What does Peter ask the CIA for?
(a) a gun
(b) a pen and paper
(c) a cheeseburger
(d) reward money

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Peter and Jane plan to meet on Wednesday?

2. Who brings Peter his breakfast on May 9?

3. To what movie's characters does Damian Rose compare Basil?

4. What does Carrie ask Betsy Porte-Smith to do?

5. Who does Clive Lawson impersonate?

(see the answer keys)

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