Season of the Machete Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Season of the Machete Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is killed as he leaves the farmhouse?
(a) Isadore Goldman
(b) Damian Rose
(c) Charles Florenza
(d) Frankie Rao

2. Where does Peter work?
(a) the Princess Hotel
(b) the Plantation Inn
(c) the Turtle Bay Restaurant
(d) the Robert F. Kennedy Airport

3. How is Marks killed?
(a) with a gunshot
(b) with a machete
(c) by a bomb blast
(d) by strangulation

4. What are the people who are killed at the airport doing?
(a) They are on a plane.
(b) They are trying to escape.
(c) They are waiting in the lobby.
(d) They are trying to get into the building.

5. Why do news crews arrive on the island?
(a) They want to track down the murderer.
(b) They believe the government is responsible for the killings.
(c) They are called in by the police chief.
(d) They believe a revolution is starting.

6. What schooner is wrecked off Turtle Bay?
(a) the Georgia Caroline
(b) the Tracy Muldoon
(c) the Augusta Marie
(d) the Isabella Anne

7. Where do Dred and the Roses plan to meet the following day?
(a) the Codd estate
(b) the Princess Hotel
(c) Turtle Bay
(d) the Evening Star

8. What is Harold Hill's plan for Damian after the murders are completed?
(a) He plans to hire Damian to work for the government.
(b) He plans to have Damian killed.
(c) He plans to have Damian arrested.
(d) He plans to have Damian go into witness protection.

9. What does Carrie Rose sell?
(a) her diary
(b) her jewelry
(c) an interview
(d) a car

10. What is the job of the two mercenaries in Turtle Bay?
(a) to shoot the victims
(b) to clean up evidence
(c) to cut up the murdered bodies
(d) to guard Damian

11. Who does Carrie Rose sleep with at the Coastown Princess Hotel?
(a) a judge
(b) a stockbroker
(c) a fireman
(d) a mercenary

12. What is the U.S. government's cover organization called?
(a) Justice Emporium Importers
(b) Clean World Garbage Collection
(c) Mighty Max's Cleaners
(d) Great Western Air Transport

13. Where does Peter go to report what he witnessed again?
(a) the U.S. Marines
(b) the police chief's office
(c) to a local police officer
(d) the U.S. Embassy

14. How many people participate in the meeting?
(a) 13
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 9

15. What is Meral afraid police officers will do with their hats?
(a) lose them in the water
(b) give them away to children
(c) take them off and forget them
(d) sell them as souveniers

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Damian throw off the veranda after his deal with Dred?

2. How many people are killed in the explosion at the airport?

3. What is Max's dog's name?

4. Who does Peter MacDonald accuse of having knowledge of the murders?

5. What car does Damian drive to Turtle Bay?

(see the answer keys)

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