Searching For Sylvie Lee Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Kwok
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Searching For Sylvie Lee Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Kwok
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who chases Amy into the Tan house after she has snooped?
(a) Willem.
(b) Jim.
(c) Lukas.
(d) Ma.

2. What happens when Sylvie and Lukas come back from Venice?
(a) Grandma has died.
(b) Grandma has recovered from her illness.
(c) The doctor says Grandma has two more months.
(d) Helena has moved out.

3. Where do Sylvie and her friends spend their last night in Venice?
(a) A masquerade.
(b) A dance club.
(c) A bar.
(d) A church.

4. Who has the same birthmark as Sylvie?
(a) Willem.
(b) Ma.
(c) Amy.
(d) Pa.

5. What does Amy find when she snoops around?
(a) Grandma's inheritance.
(b) A suitcase of cash.
(c) Willem's origami.
(d) Lukas's camera.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Sylvie mad at her friends after Grandma's death?

2. What was Grandma's favorite holiday?

3. Who takes too many cookies when Oma and Opa visit?

4. Who has Lukas always been jealous of?

5. What gift does Amy receive for Christmas?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Amy find Filip to get an explanation from him?

2. What does Sylvie discover about her relationship to Lukas?

3. Why is Sylvie's cello not in its case?

4. What happens when Lukas and Sylvie come back from Venice?

5. Who is Sylvie surprised to see at the funeral?

6. Who visits Amy at the Tans house when she is home alone?

7. What does Amy do when the Tans go to the airport?

8. How does Sylvie die?

9. What does Amy accuse Lukas of doing?

10. How does Amy embarrass herself in front of Filip?

(see the answer keys)

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