Scythe (Arc of a Scythe) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 80 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scythe (Arc of a Scythe) Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 80 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the man on the patio?
(a) Scythe Faraday.
(b) Rowan.
(c) Citra's brother.
(d) Citra's father.

2. What reason does Scythe Volta give for aligning with Scythe Goddard?
(a) To win lottery.
(b) He is kind.
(c) He is brainwashed.
(d) Be part of future.

3. How long is Scythe Curie able to keep her relationship secret?
(a) 77 hours.
(b) 7 days.
(c) 700 years.
(d) 7 years.

4. What does Scythe Goddard compare gleaning to?
(a) Dream.
(b) Great battle.
(c) Heaven.
(d) Homework.

5. What does H.S. Curie write that she will not take on?
(a) Weight.
(b) Law.
(c) Arms.
(d) Apprentice.

6. How long is Citra in the revival center for the second time?
(a) 4 weeks.
(b) 4 days.
(c) 14 minutes.
(d) 40 hours.

7. What happens when Rowan's nanites are turned off?
(a) Nothing.
(b) He explodes.
(c) He dies.
(d) He feels pain.

8. What does Rowan feel his training is turning him into?
(a) Monk.
(b) Weapon.
(c) Magician.
(d) Interpreter.

9. What does H.S. Prometheus hope the Scythedom does?
(a) Prevent human failings.
(b) Bring peace.
(c) Imprison people.
(d) Take away rights.

10. Why does Scythe Curie believe Scythe Faraday would set Citra up?
(a) He is jealous.
(b) Fire her.
(c) Discredit her.
(d) He likes her.

11. Which place will not communicate with High Blade Xenocrates?
(a) Amazonia.
(b) The Great Lakes.
(c) Amazeland.
(d) The Great Reef.

12. What form of transportation is the porter on?
(a) Bus.
(b) Car.
(c) Train.
(d) Subway.

13. Who is Esme's father?
(a) High Blade Xenocrates.
(b) Low Blade Blue.
(c) Scythe Chomsky.
(d) Swing Sounder.

14. Which best describes Citra's instructions for travel?
(a) Elaborate.
(b) Clear.
(c) Cryptic.
(d) Detailed.

15. Who does the Thunderhead say is responsible for what happened to Scythe Faraday?
(a) Dean Gerald Gas.
(b) Gerald Dean.
(c) Garry Van Der Gans.
(d) Gerald Van Der Gans.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was thrown in Rowan's honor?

2. Why does Scythe Volta bleed out?

3. How does Rowan have the power to grant immunity as an apprentice?

4. What do the children think will protect them?

5. Which of the following is forbidden for scythes?

(see the answer keys)

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