Scythe (Arc of a Scythe) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 80 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Scythe (Arc of a Scythe) Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 80 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What parameters is Rowan given for his search?
(a) Beautiful, smart, strong.
(b) Swimmer, dog lover, hero.
(c) Hairy and smelly.
(d) Lazy and cowardly.

2. What are scythes forbidden to do with the Thunderhead?
(a) Activate it.
(b) Ask for help.
(c) Play chess.
(d) Hack it.

3. What is the term for returning to a more youthful state?
(a) Turning the key.
(b) Turning the corner.
(c) Bye bye baby.
(d) Mirroring.

4. Why does Curie think scythes wear robes in private?
(a) They are other.
(b) They do not.
(c) They are forced.
(d) They are comfortable.

5. What does Citra compare Scythe Faraday's eyes to?
(a) Weapons.
(b) Alligators.
(c) Moon.
(d) Sun.

6. How many gleanings is each scythe to perform?
(a) 260 per year.
(b) 26 per day.
(c) 2,600 total.
(d) 2 per hour.

7. Where happens to scythe journals?
(a) Accessible to police.
(b) Burned.
(c) Shredded.
(d) Accessible in Scythe Archive.

8. What does Scythe Faraday give the woman in the parking lot?
(a) Cart.
(b) Bow.
(c) Kool-Aid.
(d) Death pill.

9. How does Citra's family react when they see her as an apprentice?
(a) Like they do not know her.
(b) Friendly and loving.
(c) Awkward and distant.
(d) They worship her.

10. What is Scythe Faraday's actual age?
(a) 820.
(b) 180.
(c) 280.
(d) 120.

11. How does Citra feel about gleanings?
(a) They are fun.
(b) She misses them.
(c) They are nightmarish.
(d) She is numb to them.

12. What does the businessman on the plane do?
(a) Throws himself on blade.
(b) Overpowers a scythe.
(c) Takes flight.
(d) Starts a fire.

13. What is Citra's mother's job?
(a) Senator.
(b) Community relations.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Food synthesis engineer.

14. Where are people's memories stored?
(a) Raindrops.
(b) Television.
(c) Hears.
(d) Thunderhead.

15. What does Scythe Faraday claim is the reason for his visit at the beginning of the book?
(a) Investigation.
(b) Breakfast.
(c) Vacation.
(d) Dinner.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do the Terranovas live?

2. Who will Citra begin solo training with?

3. What does Rowan do during Kohl's gleaning?

4. Who does the scythe glean at Rowan's school?

5. Which museum does Scythe Faraday tell Rowan and Citra to meet him at?

(see the answer keys)

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